Quote Originally Posted by NewPaul View Post
Haven’t been to my Range for a few weeks due to recent excellent long weekends away with Boingerati but I did go today and took my TX200, now... as most of you that know me know, I can tend to chat more than I shoot. However, today I got through a tin and a half of pellets, it was just one of those days where I was in the zone, shooting pretty well and just amazed at what this rifle can do when we do our bit. The Weihrauch.22 pellets are loved by this rifle, it’s great when you find the perfect match. I shot 3 consecutive pellets at 60yds within a 5p group at one stage. Even better... a couple of lads passed comment on the TX’s lovely walnut stock, I said “here, have a go”, which they did, and I loved the confused look as they tried to load a fully manufactured cack-hander. “There” I said, “now you know how I feel trying to shot a righty” and carried on shooting into the setting sun.. heaven.
Nice one, Pauly. Sounds like a top day.

Were you using the H&N Weihrauch pellets or the JSB variety?

A tin and a half of pellets? Fills me with dread this evening does that.

You see, a week last Tuesday my neck and right arm started really playing up. Stiff, no strength and like 50,000 volts running through my arm. Triceps, biceps, elbow, wrists, fingers, shoulder.....everything killing. It got slightly better when resting. This morning wasn't too bad and then got gradually worse all day at work. Struggled to drive home tonight as getting my right hand on the wheel was excruciating. Been eating painkillers like sweets for the last week and a half. Can't do naff all with my right arm tonight and had to eat cack handed! Trying to roll a tab was interesting after tea.

I'll be taking dog dog out shortly and then go and have a lay down, so logging off very shortly.

Y'know, even if the Mrs said to go and have a plink, the thought of holding and shooting one would make me shudder, never mind trying to cock one.

Keep the BOINGS boinging, boys and see you in the morning.