I think the low power from Airsporters and Mercurys is more to do with the 'O' ring than anything else. A tight one will rob 2 fpe or more, thats why some people recommend a Meteor 'O' ring for them. YOu have had your trials with Mercury pistons over the years. Its usually the case that a bigger swept volume will mean more power, as long as the transfer port is set up right.
Bowkett used to do the long-stroke job (lose the buffer washer) and maybe some other trick to the Airsporter and he would have it at 12 fpe with a weak spring and small amount of recoil.
I think that Theoben you have may be cursed, like the Challenger you had. If you want to lift the curse, disassemble it into its components and sell the seperate parts on the Bay. That way you should get a good total yield and the infesting demon will have to leave the rifle.
For 12 fpe the dimensions of the 25mm HW77 cylinder and the 26mm HW99S are supposed to be perfect, I just thought I would mention it as I know you don't like Weihrauchs. The HW35 is a bit 'over square' with a wide bore and a shortish stroke so its not efficient. The fit of the pellet is an issue as well...