Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
He's home, Pauly, and doing great, thank you bruv.

Sounds like he's watching Castaway now with his sister, so I may have had a lucky escape!

This pain thing of mine is dead weird, Pauly. As I'm sat tapping away, my neck is sore and fronts and backs of collar bones and funny bones are really tender. Them there muscles going from back of neck to shoulders (traps?) mega tender. Almost like it's tendonitis, maybe? Although I've not really known what that it is, but kinda makes sense with the symptoms and areas where it's happening? Maybe just ready for the knacker's yard?

As a medicinal man, would you say a small dose of Dr Jack Daniel's may help this evening?
Absolutely a JD would help in fact, seriously.... alcohol does act as a muscle relaxant so it may help a bit. It sounds awful matey, it’s probably back/spine/disc related ??