Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
Yay! Retirement just in time for the September Bash matey! Make it an extra special long one if you can......those Sunday afternoons are lovely, relaxing affairs.

As regards the little 'un.....He's a tough little cookie. We'll have to see the docs again in about six weeks for the results from yesterday and the camera thingy monitoring the acid behaviour at certain times. But at least he can resume his medication now - we had to take him off it for a while prior to yesterday's investigation.

Doggy dog dog....Yep, it was July 2014 when she really went downhill and I thought I was going to lose her then. She bounced back from that (they never said, but I reckon she'd had a stroke) and then the bad water infection in Autumn 2015. Love that little doggy, but it's so sad to see her struggling now. She'll be 16 at the end of August if she gets there. And I know it's a bloody good age, but I'll still be utterly floored when she decides it's time to go.

Be great if you do venture up north in the near future matey so you can come and see us again.

Big hugs, unlimited hospitality and cuddles from The Bremster await!
I’m certain the September Bash will see me retired and free to stay as long as I like

I really, really am itching to go North mate, I have a couple of very, very special Boingerati buddies up there and..... just off the A1 on my way back that I miss. I’m just wanting to hang on to my holiday leave as I will be paid anything outstanding for this year and given I will have all the time I want once I do retire....... ! I also need to get to Ireland to see my family who I haven’t seen for longer than I would want to. Damn, this work lark is really getting in my way