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Thread: Unbelievable quotes.....

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Chairman Emley Moor F.T.C. 2023 - Misfits champ, HFT extreme champ, NEFTA hunter champ, Midlands Hunter champ, UKAHFT champ.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisC View Post
    "corners should be round" Theo Evo .22/.177 - Meopta 6x42, DS huntsman classic .20 vortex razor LH 3-15x42 under supervised boingrati tuning by Tony L & Tinbum, HW77 forest green - Nikon prostaff 2-7x32 plex.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    From my dad...

    In his younger days my Dad was a very fit builder. On sites in the summer with his legs exposed he often got remarks concerning his extremely muscley legs. This is something I'm very happy to have inherited from him. Anyway he used to play a lot of squash too - another reason for the muscley legs. This is adding colour to the story and nothing to do with the main crux.

    Every week he used to meet up at the local squash court with some chap and basically thrashed him for an hour. The bloke, let's call him Derek, didn't seem to mind as he came across as enjoying the exercise rather than the winning.

    This continued for a year or so.

    One day my mum is shopping and gets chatting to a woman who turns out to be Derek's wife. They start talking about their husbands and she says something along the lines of "I must say its very decent of your husband to lose every week. My Derek says he thrashes him...." Mum relayed the story back to my dad who confronted Derek at their next meet up. That was their final match - my Dad hates bullshitters.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    This USA shooter of a.177 HW95 and Beeman R9 found these vids "stranger than quotes".

    Quote Originally Posted by rhyslightnin View Post
    Tell us the unbelievable quotes that people have said to you... I just had a chap word for word (no mistakes or lies) say to me after me showing him some pictures of a commpression tube of a 77....

    "When we were young we used to take them apart and put extra seals in them, and longer stiffer springs. At 22psi (not a mistake this is what was said) the pellets would split in half as they came out of the end of the barrel, but at 20psi you could shoot a squirrel right between the eyes and it would go straight through, no word of a lie straight through"

    Mmmmmmm... Anyone had an issue with pellets splitting at the end of the barrel when at "22psi"?!

    I live in North Carolina and shoot a .177 HW95 and .177 Beeman R9 breakbarrel and never had as much luck at my back yard lane as the shooter in this vid.
    LOL.......this group I shot at my 53 yard back yard practice lane (max distance property line to property line) in North Carolina seems to contrary to the above...

    How about this "tuning advice"?

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Monmouth, Land of Wales.
    He's a funny guy!

    "I shoot outside 100% of the time - unless I'm somewhere else shooting"

  6. #51
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Didn't he design the BSA Goldstar?

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Walsall, Midlands Uk
    Quote Originally Posted by bozzer View Post
    Bizarrely, I think the Great White Shark story was the one that actually made most of us have sympathy with the lad.
    I can relate to that, mate.
    I went to school with someone called, Paul Mycock (genuinely).
    Now although others were mercilessly berated for having even slightly odd sounding names, Paul was (thankfully) given a free ticket all throughout those teenage years. I can only assume the mickey takers just found it too obvious.
    Strange world isn’t it?
    Put on heading 270, assume attack formation

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Nominative determinism - and its reverse - is quite interesting.

    I (genuinely) have met a bloke called Richard Head. Poor sod.

    I have also met military personnel whose surnames were Coward and Chicken. Always wondered if they were proving something by their job choices?

    I also once knew an Army guy called Major Fury. Instant Marvel superhero, beats Captain America?

    On BS merchants, there was a kid I was friends with at school for a few years, then his parents broke up. He and his sister stayed with mum. After which he kept telling stories about how his dad was a deep-sea diver (may have been true), SBS, astronuaut, had a car that would do 200mph, whatever, I forget the detail. We all wrote him off as a BS artist. Sadly we weren't adult enough at 14-15 to realise that all that nonsense was a way of dealing with his parents' break-up and his dad shacking up with another woman and his sense of loss and reduced self-worth and possible misplaced sense of responsibility for the divorce.

    We all present a public persona that is not a full representation of who we really are, or how we really feel. Not least on anonymous forums, I as much as anyone else here. But also you guys reading this. So we should understand (even if we have not done it) how easily people can move from a "curated" (I hate that word, outside museums) version of themself into outright lying and get locked into it.

    My old schoolmate did that. But, looking back, he wasn't a bad guy. Just an OK guy in a bad place. Probably we should have "intervened" and had a conversation to help him deal with his issues. Instead we either ignored him or called him a wanker. As a divorced parent, trying to do the best with my son, I feel a bit guilty about that.

    Back on topic. Yes, I have heard cobblers about guns and shooting over the years. In the airgun sphere, mostly about OX springs and galvanised dustbins, or guys who confused feet with yards.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Certainly is a strange world Craig.

    Nice post Geeze.

    I worked with a German guy re automatic test equipment who was called Hans Zoff.

    I also worked with a Chinese guy who I had to call to discuss quality issues. His name was Dave Wong ... but because of the nature of his job we called him Wots Wong.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Monmouth, Land of Wales.
    True story: My GP (now retired) was Dr Payne.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Walsall, Midlands Uk
    One of my printers was called Barry Horrocks. He had scruffy writing and used to sign my invoices, ‘B Horrocks’, with big, looping letter ‘R’s’.
    Never used to fail to amuse me...
    Put on heading 270, assume attack formation

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by bozzer View Post
    Certainly is a strange world Craig.

    Nice post Geeze.

    I worked with a German guy re automatic test equipment who was called Hans Zoff.

    I also worked with a Chinese guy who I had to call to discuss quality issues. His name was Dave Wong ... but because of the nature of his job we called him Wots Wong.
    Thanks boz.

    The Times employ a journalist called Roger Boyes.

    He was their correspondent in Italy about ten years ago.

    When the Vatican child sex scandal broke, he wrote the story.

    Byline was "By Roger Boyes in Rome".

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Cambridge UK
    My wife once taught a young boy called Dwain.
    Unfortunately his family name was Pipe.

    My sister's married name is Berry.
    When their son was born we hoped and prayed they would not call him William.
    Bilberry? They didn't.

    Cheers, Phil

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    ok here we go.
    My leading hand of the watch on HMS Birmingham was LMEM Andy Dick.... Name tally reads, rate initial and last name!
    I worked at Plessey Naval Systems and one of the draughtsmen was called Mike D'eath.
    Another was called Wayne Anker. I worked in the print room and when they wanted prints of drawings done i had to write their name on the drawings and put them in a pigeon hole outside the office. When i first started there i thought it was a wind up and refused to put them out,. That was until he came to the counter and asked where his prints were. We all had to wear id as it was a top secret establishment doing research into radar and sonar. It was only when i looked at his id that i realised it was a genuine name. I can only imagine what his parents were thinking when they named him wayne.
    I also went out with a girl named Sarah Ball,, Please no crude comments.
    I now work in a gun shop and two of our customers are called Mr and Mrs Cartridge.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by nimrod177 View Post
    ok here we go.
    My leading hand of the watch on HMS Birmingham was LMEM Andy Dick.... Name tally reads, rate initial and last name!
    I worked at Plessey Naval Systems and one of the draughtsmen was called Mike D'eath.
    Another was called Wayne Anker. I worked in the print room and when they wanted prints of drawings done i had to write their name on the drawings and put them in a pigeon hole outside the office. When i first started there i thought it was a wind up and refused to put them out,. That was until he came to the counter and asked where his prints were. We all had to wear id as it was a top secret establishment doing research into radar and sonar. It was only when i looked at his id that i realised it was a genuine name. I can only imagine what his parents were thinking when they named him wayne.
    I also went out with a girl named Sarah Ball,, Please no crude comments.
    I now work in a gun shop and two of our customers are called Mr and Mrs Cartridge.
    "corners should be round" Theo Evo .22/.177 - Meopta 6x42, DS huntsman classic .20 vortex razor LH 3-15x42 under supervised boingrati tuning by Tony L & Tinbum, HW77 forest green - Nikon prostaff 2-7x32 plex.

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