Originally Posted by
Exciting times for you, John.
All the very best and I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible.
Plenty of "Square Sausage Opportunities" for you, methinks.
If you do get the chance to arrange a little meet-up before you go, give us a shout.
Maybe get Mel and JohnBaz lined up, too?
Its called Lorne Sausage Tony and its very tasty ! Had lots of it in my travels over the border but Stovies are better still !
Can't stand White Pudding though, thick porridge in batter deep fried, whats that all about !
I have to get used to the term "fish supper" though as we down here just refer to it as fish n chips !
“Let us not dwell on the distance we have fallen short, let us dwell on the distance we have travelled" !