Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
Of course I don't mind, Pauly. They're all airguns after all, in'it?

I sometimes dread the day if things got that bad with my neck, arms and back that I couldn't use a proper air rifle.

I have had the odd go with the odd PCP. Some didn't impress at all.......GC2, Huntsman and Shamal years ago. But some that I have tried at The Bash have been very impressive. Not least the HW110 that I tried at the last Bash. Looking in the pictures, I could never imagine fancying one. But it looked far, far better in the flesh and shot sublimely. And everything snickety-snicked beautifully as you'd expect from the mighty HW. Others that I've tried and liked were a FTP900 and BSA R10 & Scorpion. And I love the stock on that new Brocock Bantam Sniper thingy.

If the day ever came, though, with my HW loyalties, it'd have to be a 100 if I could afford it.

There, I've said it and I really hope the day never comes when I have to admit defeat. Now, no more talk of these namby pamby pfffttttt guns! Oh, and another thing.....if my arms and things were that bad, dunno how I'd manage to pump one of the damned things up or cart about a dodgy, heavy bottle!
Lol....the funny thing is with the S510 is that I really wanted one and couldn't wait to pick it up. However, having been to Iden Ferns 3 times and used my springers instead I can honestly say if Rachel didn't want to use it I would sell it on and do without. I had a few shots at the last bash with it and although it shoots beautifully, its accuracy is second to none and basically it does what it says on the tin, its not an exciting rifle to use. I think to sum it up its almost too good to be enjoyable if that makes sense!!!!