Quote Originally Posted by Portzy View Post
I think that in all walks of like there is a point where diminishing returns kicks in. There's no doubt that the BKL and Tier One will work and the former do overcome the centreing problem, if indeed it is a problem in the real world?, although the BKL look to me to be a bit of a faff.

Myself, I have had issues with Hawke and Nikko such as bad machining, offset easily stripped threads, terrible recoil pins etc, so I wont go near them now.

In all honesty, I don't think you can go far wrong with Sportsmatch. In the main they are a couple of quid more than Hawke etc, they do the job, are British made, and don't look like something you would find in a Meccano Set, utilise a recoil hole and your scope is going nowhere.
Hi Portzy,

Don't get me wrong, I imagine that the more expensive mounts are very good, well made and with more than likely, better, higher tensile materials. It's just that I've always found the cheaper mounts I've used to have done the job of holding my scope in place, securely, very well and that's all I want them to do.

No doubt I've been lucky going on what others had said about their experiences but I thought I'd ask the question because I couldn't understand (and I'm still not that convinced) that they make much if any difference when compared to a non faulty set of cheapies especially when used on low powered airguns.