Quote Originally Posted by Rickenbacker View Post

I was up the post office the other day having a mugshot taken, and I said to the 'oman behind the counter "Oi, how come my picture is in black and white?" And she said "It isn't"...

Think I prefered the old Rhys... he wasn't so mean.
There's nothing mean about the new me.. it just doesn't have "flowers in its hair". I'm still the same old me. I let the hippy minions grow there veg & have fires if they want.. I just don't answer to silly "love everything" rules about how to treat people who want to get a rise out of me is all.

"Fetch the crossbow Margret, I don't like the look on that chaps eyes!"

Besides being a redneck people don't expect much from you so it's quite nice being able to offer the nice bits to those that I choose