I think its time to start a petition to get Andy back on the Breeze

Roberts humour knows no bounds..."have a holiday" hilarious, and just the same thing you said when you banned me, you really do need some new material.

Andy is one of those few who give themselves to their hobby for the good of all (to be fair Robert gives a lot too), his choice of words may have been poor (no doubt aided in that by a few sherbets) "you have no idea who you are talking to" its not who Andy is, its what he does.

Without people like Andy HFT would not be anywhere near as popular and enjoyable as it is, one of shooting sports good guys.

My voice will hold no sway with Robert but I am sure I am speaking for others who count, he is a loss to the Breeze.

However I do feel that Andy's public contrition will no doubt satisfy Riobert's megalomanical narcissism and Andy will be reinstated

A bit of advice for you Robert, I have seen you several times dismiss the opinions of people who don't participate in a particular facet of shooting, but you feel happy to comment on all facets...practice and preaching...

Andy, on registering another account, Robert is a bit of an IT wizz, I very amateurishly failed twice, took some advice and sneaked back in on the third attempt....shhhhhhh....don't tell anyone