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Thread: Stopped by the police with guns in car?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Newport, South Wales

    Stopped by the police with guns in car?

    Here is an interesting question I've asked myself a number of times on the way to my shooting club.

    My daughter and I like to shoot a number of our air weapons (and hopfully live stuff soon) when we go to our club, so my car can have up to 10 weapons, multiple tins of pellets, 12l air tank, stooting stands, jackets, spinners etc etc. We would also have our club ID and if we are alowed fire arms, I'll carry that ID as well.

    I know we should always take the most direct roads, not stop off unnecessarily, leave the car unlocked, or unattended and cover the weapons up. Our club is a 40 minute drive away (mostly motorway) so plenty of exposure to trafic and the stopping there of!

    Question, if we ever got stopped by the police, they will want to know what is in the car (it's happend before may years ago, I had my racing model RC car, they were very interested ) How much agro will we be in if an uninformed, jumpy officer stops us?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Gone West Young Man
    Tell them and why you have them.

    I doubt you'll have any problems.

    The only time I've ever had plod talk to me when I've been out with guns they weren't interested in them at all.

    If you have FAC guns then take your FAC (or a copy) with you.

  3. #3
    rgc_swanseaARC's Avatar
    rgc_swanseaARC is offline He's not the Stig,,,He's the Stig's Welsh cousin
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    I wouldn't worry, I had an AAs410k on a bipod on the roof of my car while I zipped my jacket up at the exact moment the police went around the roundabout on the entrance to the grounds I was shooting on.
    They came back around the roundabout, stopped and asked what I was doing. I showed them my permission slip and they didn't even get out of the car. Wished me a nice evening and said they would let the station know my cars location in case of any calls. (I actually call in now if I go to the same spot just to save them some hassle)

    Theoben TTR1 .177, Steven B Blue/Grey Laminate Stock, Nutshot Mod, Hawke Sidewinder 10x42 Tac IR
    Daystate Pulsar. 177, Donny FL Sumo Mod, Pard NV008LRF

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ive wondered about this since I got my SGC, I don't know if your car is flagged in the way your medical record is,
    so I don't know If the regular beat police know I may have a shotgun or air rifles in my car.

    I would politely enquire as to their reason for asking about the contents of my boot, and judge how much information I disclose upon their answer.
    But I would also explain that as an SGC holder I need to be careful about what I say regarding my guns and to whom.

    At the end of the day I would be polite, and I won't be (too) obstructive but I will be careful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Newport, South Wales
    One other thing I consider from time to time.

    12L breathing air bottle in my privat car, whats the 'crack' with that??

    Should the car have a green badge?
    Should the insurance know I carry it?

    I'm to scarted to ask incase the answer is negative !!

    But then the rifles have 200bar in them any way

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    You don't need a compressed gas warning for 12L of breathing air.

    You are allowed to display one, but it's not required. It is an offence to display the gas warning when not carrying gas though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    You are asked to take reasonable precautions to the security of your guns. Keeping them out of sight is one.

    If stopped by the Police for whatever reason they generally ask what you are doing. If I have guns on board then I tell them that I'm off to my shoot, club, gun shop, or whatever reason is that time. I only have guns in my car if I have reason to. Telling them I am going informs them I have guns on board. Sometimes they will ask what kind. I tell them and have my authority with me anyhow. Rarely do they ask to see or check the docs or anything else. I'm always polite because as the Police do enough for our society and only so with our support.

    If ever something was to go pear shaped for some unknown reason then be a little careful. Just be polite and do not elaborate or make jokes. Don't allow anything to escalate in any way. Never take a caution. Taking a caution is admitting to guilt and may effect your gun ownership. A good friend of mine took one after a altercation with a bicyclist who then reported him to the police. It then went pear shaped as he was given poor and misleading advice at the police station both by the duty solicitor and police. Unknown to him this bicyclist was on an anti car bicyclist crusade and gave grief and trouble everywhere he went. My friend lost his guns for near on a year and had to contest the caution by finding out about the bicyclist. It was dirty and the police complicit by doing nothing but going for his guns. Very nasty all round. With great effort my fried got everything back but was several thousand pounds out of pocket. He was lucky to get his stuff back. The police never did pursue the trouble maker nor apologise.

    So you have nothing to worry about, but take care. Just ensure you have reason, and best to have your guns in cases/slips.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunbeam View Post
    Here is an interesting question I've asked myself a number of times on the way to my shooting club.

    My daughter and I like to shoot a number of our air weapons (and hopfully live stuff soon) when we go to our club, so my car can have up to 10 weapons, multiple tins of pellets, 12l air tank, stooting stands, jackets, spinners etc etc. We would also have our club ID and if we are alowed fire arms, I'll carry that ID as well.

    I know we should always take the most direct roads, not stop off unnecessarily, leave the car unlocked, or unattended and cover the weapons up. Our club is a 40 minute drive away (mostly motorway) so plenty of exposure to trafic and the stopping there of!

    Question, if we ever got stopped by the police, they will want to know what is in the car
    (it's happend before may years ago, I had my racing model RC car, they were very interested ) How much agro will we be in if an uninformed, jumpy officer stops us?
    I would say that depends on why you've been stopped, they might ask they might not,
    I'm pretty sure that if you hold FAC/SGC your regional force will have a marker to that effect, afaik the most direct route doesn't come in to it but you can't leave the vehicle unattended so no parking up to go shopping,
    If you have the setting where the boot can be kept locked when the doors open I'd use it,
    Other than that be polite & there's no reason why you should get any grief.

  9. #9
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    When I had to send my licence off I said "what about when I'm out with my guns and I get stopped?"
    and they said "We (WYP) issued you with it you don't need to have it with you"
    But saying that it's a very long time since I last got pulled over by the plod, 12 yrs +

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Your car doesn't have a police marker on it just because you have an FAC. You as an FAC holder will have one and your address will have one also.
    Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're probably right.

  11. #11
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    If you are reasonable with the officer that stops you and explain what you have in the car and why, he will probably have a look to verify.
    He willl do a check on his computer and as long as your not committing any offences, or a prohibited person under the firearms act, you'll be on your way.
    Many officers are a bit sketchy on the firearms legislation, so don't be surprised if he checks with his sergeant.

    If however, you give him a hard time and refuse to answer his questions, he will do all the investigations down at the police station whilst you wait in a cell.

    Best to be calm, polite and cooperative.

    Barn Door Scarer
    HW95k .22, HW50s .22, BSA Goldstar SE .177, AA 510 Ult Sporter .177

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Been stopped on a couple of occasions but not initially because I was carrying guns .
    It was due to the fact that I was acting suspiciously.
    As Gavlar said , there is no marker on your car to say that you have firearms . This if I'm right is unless you have been convicted of a firearms offence in the past . A PNC check would tell them all they need to know.
    The one time that I was stopped whilst in the middle of some pest control was on a secure industrial estate that had security guards , gates, cameras and barriers .. a cleaner had spotted us and phoned the police.
    Extremely unlikely that you will ever be stopped on your way to the range .
    However if you are going out doing some pest control it is sensible although not a necessity to inform the local police if there is any chance that someone else may call them .
    I know that you don't have to , but it saves a lot of hassle .

  13. #13
    secretagentmole Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bullbarrel View Post
    Tell them and why you have them.

    I doubt you'll have any problems.

    The only time I've ever had plod talk to me when I've been out with guns they weren't interested in them at all.

    If you have FAC guns then take your FAC (or a copy) with you.
    You are lucky, been stopped a couple of times, due to accidents ahead etc, doors locked, but gunbag on back seat, usually goes along the lines of "What's that?" "Air rifle" "What make?"
    This is where having something unusual is a pain, "Zbroia" or "Evanix" seem to be big curiosity tweakers. "Can I have a look?" is then usually followed by "Noisy?" so you let them dry fire it "Interesting cross hairs" so you then spend ages explaining the SR markings....

    If they come and see me on permission (unusual because I do dial 101 first) it is worse, because then I can set a target up and they have a quiet plink for about 15 minutes...

  14. #14
    Murphy is offline Cooee! Chase me you naughty boys!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavlar View Post
    Your car doesn't have a police marker on it just because you have an FAC. You as an FAC holder will have one and your address will have one also.
    So your car is not linked to your address?!
    Master Debater

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Wimborne Dorset
    The police knows every thing about you just before they pull you over any how

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