Quote Originally Posted by pjacobs View Post
Hi Everyone,

Just thinking that this will be the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War. Quite some anniversary!

11th November was an anniversary I knew well as a child. My mother lost all of her uncles - four or five, I think (she would have been 105 this year); and my father lost one too (he would have been 107). Not wishing to get too dramatic or soppy here, but I do hope we can make the 2 minutes silence a solemn occasion for remembering all that that generation did for us today.


Absolutely nothing soppy or dramatic about showing respect for people who decided to make the ultimate sacrifice for what they believed was right...and were then proven to be correct in that.

I sadly cannot attend Sunday due to helping out with one of the many Remembrance events, I trust all at Buxted will show due respect.

Either side of that 2 minutes, hope you all smile lots