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Thread: Webley omega triggers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Webley omega triggers

    I have a pair of webley omega.
    They have 2 different thickness of trigger blades, and each has a different pull weight, due to the geometry of the adjustment screw in the blade.

    Is this intentional, or just batch variation?


    Ps, anyone want to swap a LH omega stock, for one of my RH?
    Thanks - Geoff.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    new malden
    Bought my Omega new when they first came out, sometime not much later they produced a new trigger blade and the "Darning Needle" spring guide to replace the metal guide which the very early guns where fitted with, bought both and retro fitted them

    Not sure about the thickness I understood it was the let off angle that changed.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I am also tearing my hair out with an Omega trigger. Its an English version having the name etc ''rolled'' into the metal, not transfers as per foreign made versions.
    It had been ''tuned'' and the trigger is so light it borders on dangerous. I have replaced the mangled wire trigger spring with a factory one. The rocker arm and front sear and its spring all seem ok. However the trigger has a hole drilled in it and a tiny coil spring fitted into it at the foremost point where the rear sear lower leg reaches out over the trigger. The trigger adjusting screw has been cut off so that it no longer protrudes beyond the trigger and so is doing nothing. Thanks to members info on here, I've managed to fit a correct length adjusting screw, this gives a two stage trigger with the little spring, but the actual let off pressure and travel is so light and tiny the gun will self discharge if the barrel is closed a little too harshly. Can anyone confirm if the trigger should have the little coil spring fitted [ its not on any parts diagram anywhere], without this spring the trigger only sits rearwards by virtue of its own spring and the safety catch won't operate. If I remove the little spring, should I get a two stage trigger by virtue of the trigger adj. screws contact with the rear sear??. Does any one have any idea as to how much the actual contact face that the front sear sits on, protrudes in front of the upper [vertical] face that end of the front sear stops against. Complicated and awkward descriptions, sorry its not the easiest of conditions to describe. I'd really like to have the gun working safely, but detailed info seems pretty sparse, parts are available, but costly. I'm thinking the ''tuner'' has maybe reduced the overlap of sears by removing metal from the contact face on the rear sear and added the spring and cut down the adj. screw to give a different trigger action. ??
    Any help greatly appreciated, and a thanks for help already given.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Trouble is that there aren't enough Omega triggers around for there to be a pool of experts, and I'm certainly not one. I've never dismantled mine as there are no clear instructions on re-assembly available - I'll do it one day, but only when necessary.

    I'll use Chambers part numbers. If you think that the primary (SR018) and secondary(SR020) sears look OK and unmolested, that's good. If they've been ground, filed or even polished, possibly bad. A photo of your trigger blade would be very helpful - there's no coil spring involved in it anywhere. If someone's played about with the trigger blade, get rid of it quick and just replace the whole thing. Since the trigger blade is made from a sort of pot-metal alloy, it will have no bearing surfaces other than the head of the adjuster screw, so don't underestimate the importance of the screw - it's an integral part of the trigger, rather than just an adjuster.

    I wouldn't really call the Omega trigger two stage, to me it has no discernible stages - tbh I don't like it much, it's smooth and consistent, but vague. There's nothing that lets you know it's about to fire.

    As before, any photos you can post will help solve this.
    Last edited by bill57; 02-12-2018 at 10:44 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Ok, thanks. The bigger trigger is on the slightly earlier model with the steel tube spring guide.

    They must have done some improvements on the slightly later omega, improving its feel and lowering its weight

    Thanks - Geoff.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mrgeoff View Post
    Ok, thanks. The bigger trigger is on the slightly earlier model with the steel tube spring guide.

    They must have done some improvements on the slightly later omega, improving its feel and lowering its weight

    There were definitely two versions of the trigger.

    They are mentioned in Chris Thrales’ book, where he says that the Eclipse u/l (introduced in 1988) used the “perfected unit as had been used on later versions of the Omega”. Which suggests that the later trigger came in no later than 1988 (Omegas were made 1984-1994).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    new malden
    As I recall the modified trigger was available, direct from Webley,around a year after the rifle was introduced, I believe the "Nylon Darning Needle" spring guide should have been fitted from the start but a steel guide was fitted due to supply problems.
    I had a clear out a few years back and give the purchase paper work from Webley to Chris Thrale otherwise I would have been able to confirm dates.

    Still have and shoot my Omega very nice gun

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Lots of useful stuff appearing on here, in answer to one post I will try and add photos of some of the trigger parts that are in the Omega I am trying to sort out.
    The trigger has indeed been modified in that a tiny coil spring has been fitted into it, this is at the point where the front end of the lower leg of the rear sear ''touches'' the trigger. The trigger spring proper was so badly bent it just ''floated about'' and did nothing; the trigger adjusting screw has been cut so that it doesn't project beyond the trigger surface [no photo of that]. this means that a ''two stage trigger'' has been created; in that the trigger moves against the little springs pressure until it becomes squashed and the trigger then touches the rear sear's front edge; the upshot of this is a monumental change of leverage and it takes no feel-able pressure to discharge the gun; in fact it will self discharge on closing the barrel, or at random before that!!!I have now fitted a new trigger spring and a longer trigger adjusting screw, this now gives a longer '' one stage '' drag type trigger action with variation by adjusting the screw in the trigger.
    However the trigger is still extremely light and I now have a new rear sear on order, hoping it will resolve things. I think that the overlap portion on the rear sear has been reduced to give a lighter let off, as the front to rear sears overlap is almost non existent; I have now had this trigger apart so many times I can almost strip and re assemble in my sleep so any advice I have I am only to glad to pass on if anyone asks.
    Please have a look at the photos and let everyone know your thoughts.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Rossendale, Lancashire
    Your main sear looks in really good condition, the sear face is still flat & crisp with no visible damage (in the photo's). The auxiliary sear doesn't look too bad either but the pics aren't quite as clear.

    I'd check the sear face of the piston slot. I had an Omega which had this face butchered with a file, presumably to lessen the release angle and reduce trigger pull. It was an epic fail, still worked but trigger functionality was terrible. I had to re-cut the sear face on the piston to the correct angle and re-harden.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Your trigger is quite different fom mine, so I can't comment on whether the coil is original or correct. The trigger adjust screw appears to come through the trigger at quite a different angle fom mine.
    I agree with Greg, though, that your sears don't look as if they've been messed with, and his point about the latching on the piston is a good shout.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanks a lot guys; I did get a new rear sear and the projection of the overlap [top face to front sear engagement] was a lot more than on the one in the gun; I haven't checked the piston as the difference on the rear sear was old 0.5mm to new 1.1mm, ouch!! fitting a longer trigger adj. screw also altered the trigger beyond belief; there is now no first stage and the let off pressure is much higher; also the gun doesn't fire with the safety catch on [BIG BONUS].
    I'm now going to trial the gun a little to confirm it's safe and then we're all good.
    Many thanks for the advice and I'm sure others will benefit too.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Glad you're getting there.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Thanks Donald, that looks comprehensive and will come in very handy.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
    Bill, it took me about 2 days to figure that thing out!! I had to take it apart again, so I figured I'd better document.

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