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Thread: Gem .25 Air Rifle selling wondered what its worth any ideas?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    City of London
    I used to shoot one of these .25 cal Gem 'giants' nearly 40 years ago and I remember how you could follow the pellet's loopy trajectory as it made its majestic way to the target. But it struck tin cans with a hell of a wallop.
    Vintage Airguns Gallery
    ..Above link posted with permission from Gareth W-B
    In British slang an anorak is a person who has a very strong interest in niche subjects.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Both of mine with soft springs effortlessly produce 11ftlbs!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hi chaps,

    Difficult to tell from the pic but it looks like it has a flat section trigger guard/cocking link?...possibly an LZ type Gem made by Friedrich Langenhan?
    blah blah

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    City of London
    Quote Originally Posted by DCL_dave View Post
    Hi chaps,

    Difficult to tell from the pic but it looks like it has a flat section trigger guard/cocking link?...possibly an LZ type Gem made by Friedrich Langenhan?
    Does this help, Dave? (Taken from Freeads):

    Vintage Airguns Gallery
    ..Above link posted with permission from Gareth W-B
    In British slang an anorak is a person who has a very strong interest in niche subjects.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Garvin View Post
    Does this help, Dave? (Taken from Freeads):

    Hi Danny,

    Thanks, yes it does help. It's not a Marck Gem as I'm pretty sure that all JM Gems had a Tbar latch and that one clearly has a dollshead latch. Don't think it's an Eisenwerke gun either as the bigger EGs usually have a scroll on the spur off the back of the triggr guard/cocking link, but I may be wrong?...I just have an inkling that it is an LZ type Gem.

    Guns looks like it had a two tone finish with traces of nickel plating at the cylinder/stock junction? probably earlier rather than later - pre WW1?

    OP, are there any marks or stampings on the gun? these would usually be on the flat along the top of the octagonal section of the barrel.
    blah blah

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