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Thread: These new UKAHFT rules

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    My opinion kill size/distance wise is keep it as it is or even better bring the 25mm's back in to 35yrd.

    Courses set out cleverly to the current UKAHFT rules rarely get cleared. Did any course get cleared in the UKAHFT series last year?

    There may be some clearances at club shoot level but this could easily be due to lack of course options. For example, some clubs have limited land and so it can be easy for some to become very familiar with courses there. Or it could be the course was made tame as strong winds were expected that did not materialise. Or it could be the course setters had been on a bender the night before setting a course and just couldn't be arsed!

    As for up the peg shots - I can see the need for that if children and those of a slight build are struggling and therefore been put at a dis-advantage.

    At the end of the day the sport needs to encourage new participants which is going to be much harder if we make things harder in an attempt to stop the small percentage of elite shooters clearing courses.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Moving the dificulty

    In my opinion (as a relative novice) if the management need to make the courses more difficult I think it should be weighted at the shorter ranges, it feels that recently everything is just getting smaller and further.

    I am all for 15mm from 8 yards, as Simmo says its a game of finding your best compromise and we have enough long difficulty.

    As for the short 15mm being all shot up if there are several across the course that evens the chances of getting onto one early, and if you shoot a series/league it should even out with time.

    What about the typical scenario of a morning shoot with a sheltered wooded area and an open field area, as the wind generally picks up throughout the morning there is a distinct advantage to starting in the field, again this should even its self out over a a series?

    I think there is a positive for course setters in having more small long shots - they are easier to set than that elevated, short, dark through a tiny gap mini kill
    ..."My son," said the Norman Baron...."The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite. But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right"...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buxted County HFT Republic of Crowzilla Sussex
    I see making the courses shorter using the currrent format
    as actually playing into the hands of the 40yd high mount brigade. They tell me they can poke everything from 17yds to 45yds (unless you are Larkin). They therefore practice the short ones. They say they have to get the yardage bob on for the short 15mm. I think giving them an extra two or three yards to worry about may be the way forward especially as Mark suggested upping the no. allowed to 8 from 6. At the moment I am setting courses to catch people out with wind as some people are shooting not needing to rangefind the bulk of the targets currently encountered. That's why I like the option of 30mm to 45yds. I think it is becoming purely a wind game and agree with Lol where you start on the day re wind encountered has a massive input on your score. Shortening courses would possibly help balance this a bit as well

    Buxted HFT Garage Guns are Us. Home of Crowzilla Doppers doughnut corner and SiHFT winners 2007 2008 2009 2010 2017 2018 2019.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    My two pence

    Really interesting thread this one. Loads of great ideas. My two pence worth.... add 2 more positionals and take the supported 25mm out to 35 yards.
    Air Arms MPR, GINB stock,MTC Mamba Lite scope

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Bishops Stortford
    Quote Originally Posted by shaun eustace View Post
    Really interesting thread this one. Loads of great ideas. My two pence worth.... add 2 more positionals and take the supported 25mm out to 35 yards.
    Or better still, just double the number of postionals from 6 to 12 and stop fiddling with the rules every year!
    .22 Winner 2014 World HFT Championships (S400)
    Recoiling Winner 2017 World HFT Campionships (HW97k)
    HFT England team 2018, 2019, 2020 (Rhino enhanced HFT500)

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    I have already given my opinion that things could simply be left as they are but I am curious as to why it is felt by some that courses need to be made more difficult?

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Rule changes

    Does it really need tinkering with? I'm also failing to see why. Has HFT become so easy it's boring everyone with clearances? Firmly of the pinion that "if it ain't broke"......

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buxted County HFT Republic of Crowzilla Sussex
    I think people have short memories. When I started the HFT section of my club, I bought enough targets to put out a course no 35mm, 20mm or God forbid 30mm targets. So a course of fire of 40mm 25mm and 15mm targets 10 set easy 10 set medium hard and 10 set challenging. Now I would argue there were very few clearances back then either. Also the number of HFT events on any one Sunday were far and few between. We now have events all over with lots of shooters country wide. What we now have is a very big pool of shooters that is growing and with that the skill level is increasing but more to the point the number of these top shooters is expanding. I think a lot of these shooters who travel for their hobby don't want to drive 200 miles to shoot a 36 yard 40mm kill 6 or 7 times on a 30 shot course. UKAHFT is evolving still and trying new things is to be commended 15mm pushed back from 8yds to 13yds, 25mm out to 40yds is in my mind a lottery shot with twitchy wind but lots of people love them 40mm supported kneeler out to 40yds and now a 35mm has replaced it. All changes over the years. So simply saying it doesn't need changing is in my opinion a bit short sighted I don't believe in easy targets I also don't believe that beginners want to shoot easy targets and you certainly can't put the easy targets(which back then didn't seem easy) out we did ten years or more ago. It is a competetive sport and as such competitor's have devised ways to allow them with their chosen kit to best play the game. Like using the parralla trick on the short ones so everything close is crosshairs and with a 40yd zero everything long is crosshairs. Super high mounts super low mounts. Let's get those 15mm closer again then I don't need to walk so far to put them out or bring them in. Keep evolving UKAHFT a change is as good as a rest.

    Buxted HFT Garage Guns are Us. Home of Crowzilla Doppers doughnut corner and SiHFT winners 2007 2008 2009 2010 2017 2018 2019.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Ukahft kill sizes

    Hi all and ukahft committee,
    Shooting southern hunters has given rise in my eyes to questions on courses.
    5 people tied on 59 in round 3. (great shooting by them) but should we not have more mini kills.
    Having 4 to 8 kill sizes in each bracket (average of 6 of each) 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34 and 35+ using the new 3 30mm kills at 45yds and maybe 3 25mm kills at 40yds rules.

    The ukahft has the best shooters in the United Kingdom competeting for the top honours. I understand that you are covering different types of shooters juniors, veterans recoiling but at some stage to enter the best series in the UK or the world championships we all need to step up.


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Ukahft course kill sizes

    Hi all and ukahft committee,

    After shooting the southern hunters series this year a question has arisen in my mind.
    Following round 3 where 5 people tied on 59 (top shooting by them) but should we not have more mini kills.
    Maybe a change to 4 to 8 kills from each bracket size (average of 6 of each kill size) 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34 and 35+ with the new 3 30mm kill at 45 and maybe 3 25mm kills at 40 max.

    I understand that you are trying to cater for all shooter juniors, veterans, recoiling. But the ukahft is the top series in United Kingdom
    With the best shooters and of course the world championship shot as well. We all shot to our best but sometimes you have to up the game.



  11. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    UKAHFT Ish

    Quote Originally Posted by Wheelieneilie View Post
    Exactly. Why change any rules, unless you want less clubs to bother with UKAHFT rules and then just set then to UKAHFTish next year!
    We always say our course is "based" on UKAHFT rules which means its probably more fun to shoot and we can mix things up for interest. UKAHFT is to sanitised. We've been doing it this way for years with no complaints.
    Always make the best of things, it can only get worse if you don't.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Not all rules related but:-

    30mm to 45 yards - great
    25mm to 40 yards - great
    10mm from 8 yards - 20 would be good, even better as a kneeler.
    Mini kills, oversized & undersized targets are all good ideas.
    I guess if the course is 'too hard' it could put people off, or will it, maybe they want the challenge & can't wait to get back to try again, it's a tough middle ground to find by course setters & I appreciate the work taken to make a good course a great course.

    Up the peg shots are a good idea and having seen Gabriel grow a fair bit in the short time he's been shooting there can be issues for smaller youngsters, he has never taken a shot on a lane in a position not allowed & a few times his pellet has gone straight in the dirt because he couldn't get high enough OR he just couldn't see the kill zone, having said that I guess you could always come off the peg with an elbow, knee or leg. Case in point was a lane @ SHS yesterday (around lane 5 somewhere), there was a prone shot around 45 yards, you had to shoot between the juncture of two high tree branches in a V shape to a target even further behind, the lad in the group ahead of us was a very small junior & could not see over the V to even see the target so took the shot about a foot from the peg, we didn't hear any of the group suggest coming 'off peg' either (the last thing you think of, I also felt rotten for thinking of it too late to say anything), anyway he missed the kill as he wasn't supported by the peg.

    I find that targets around 9 yards tend to catch a lot out as it can be half a mil diff than an 8 yarder, elevated, long & short shots, also thin the heard, tunnel or tube shots especially with the rear end covered over (cheers Simmmo)with braches then leaves make quite a tough target to see but I thought it's based loosely on 'hunting' in which case that scenario would happen 'out in the field' (also it's a fun shot )

    Not telling people how to suck egg's so sorry if it sounds it but if you have trouble seeing close up shots this may help, when looking through the scope move the kill zone in the field of view from the centre to one of the outside edges, it will become a lot less blurry or get your team mates to 'flap the target string'.


  13. #43
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Get rid of pegs
    Old Gits FT springer World champion 2017 & 2018

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    We were chatting about this on sunday whilst shooting a course. Setting smaller targets further out is going to make sod all difference to the top pcp shooters.
    Resting with butt on the floor, high mounts and long zero's means its a fairly basic shot for them. Unless there is a lot of wind, in which case you are relying on skill and a bit of luck to not get an unlucky gust or lull. So arguably not achieving much.

    If people really wanted a change we could ban resting the rifle on the floor. Although i suspect there would be too many tears for that.
    Add more positionals? Certainly adds more 'skill' shots.
    Bring 15mm's in to 8 yards? Could work

    How are the trials going?

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Has anyone else tried the new tin pellets? ( very hard ) I think you need to angle the 8 yard targets slightly backwards to avoid them coming back at ya occasionally. There may come a time in the future when we have to use them.
    Old Gits FT springer World champion 2017 & 2018

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