Some amazing stuff there guys

steyr, the house is a 1900’s terraced with solid walls and no cavity and whatever you do to rat proof if they want to get in somewhere they will, they’re not feeding from my house but next door is converted to three flats and possibly food could be stored on the upper floor. They could access my attic by the guttering and then through under the tiles, they seem to be nesting under the loft boards, at the moment I am using two ‘snap traps ‘ plus a victory rat zapper but none of them has worked so far. I have started using poison as a near last resort and they have eaten most of what I have put down but i believe poison is quite tame up to what it used to be and a lot has to be consumed to take effect. We had a rat a few years back which we got with poison and as you say the smell was awful for some five weeks !
I’ve had my trail cam in the attic following their movements which brought me to the idea of a remote rifle,
I could sit in the loft with my NV setup but it’s not practical. There is a Co2 powered machine called a goodnature A24 which in theory looks great but reviews aren’t so good for something costing £115.
I need to sort this problem pretty quick now before they start breeding up there that could be a nightmare.
Maybe my idea is a bit OTT but I’ve found the thread quite interesting, thanks guys