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Thread: Revoked Airgun licence

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Revoked Airgun licence

    guys and girls
    I have just had my-rifle and certificate
    Taken away by the police
    It all started a week ago when a guy blocked my drive and I couldn’t get my car in or my wife’s car out
    It was pouring with rain and after a 14 hour shift outside and in the rain I stupidly Smashed the window and let of the handbrake off and moved it
    I’ve been charged with vandalism and had my rifle taken away and licence revoked
    They say I’ll get it back once I plead guilty and get fined
    Are they right or will I loose my stuff
    I’ve never been In trouble in my whole life
    I’m kind of p****d off ive lost a way into a good hobby

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    They will automatically suspend your certificate for any suspected crime that you could get jail time for. If they say you'll get it back you probably will. If you're a BASC member I'd give the legal people the heads up that you might need help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    By the nature reserve, in the Great Outwood, Wakef
    Don’t take advice off an Internet forum! As above has said, BASC if you’re a member. If not, seek the advice of a solicitor before doing anything else.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Inverness, Highlands, God's own country.
    Unfortunately, fair chance you'll lose it. Others have lost theirs for less. I believe you've only got about 21 days to appeal against it.
    Pistol & Rifle Shooting in the Highlands with Strathpeffer Rifle & Pistol Club. <StrathRPC at> or google it.
    No longer Pumpin Oil but still Passin Gas!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    Don't take any advice from the Police either.
    If you are a member of some shooting organisation then its time to take their advice. BASC do enough to have some idea, ring them anyhow as they like to be up to speed of whats happening at street level. You might get some pointers even if not a member.

    Have you been arrested, given a statement, had a solicitor present?
    You may need advice on if your actions that night was vandalism or perfectly reasonable????? Might take a magistrate to decide????
    Next time your drive is blocked have the police remove the offending object. Do it to test the system anyhow. If they fail, or pass the responsibility, it may justify your action?????

    Don't take a caution as that is as good as admitting to a criminal act and might effect you with anything gun related in the future. Forever. Sadly you are going to have to take this very seriously. You need really good legal advice not someone who knows nothing and just wants to process the job.

    If you have a friend with a license then have them take charge of the rifle off the Police. No point in having your rifle stuck in a police safe rotting. Your friend will have to look after it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Shocker View Post
    guys and girls
    I have just had my-rifle and certificate
    Taken away by the police
    It all started a week ago when a guy blocked my drive and I couldn’t get my car in or my wife’s car out
    It was pouring with rain and after a 14 hour shift outside and in the rain I stupidly Smashed the window and let of the handbrake off and moved it
    I’ve been charged with vandalism and had my rifle taken away and licence revoked
    They say I’ll get it back once I plead guilty and get fined
    Are they right or will I loose my stuff
    I’ve never been In trouble in my whole life
    I’m kind of p****d off ive lost a way into a good hobby
    Jeeze ! I feel for you .Rather live under longshanks ta very much .Seems as though freedom went to the wall .We all make mistakes and I wish you luck sir .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Thanks for the reply’s
    I’m worried that if I don’t get my licence back they will keep my rifle and I’ll loose it and not be compensated
    It was a mint tuned bsa r10 se and a aluminium flight case
    To much to loose

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Section 1 Criminal Damage Act 1971

    Destroying or damaging property.

    (1) A person who without lawful excuse destroys or damages any property belonging to another intending to destroy or damage any such property or being reckless as to whether any such property would be destroyed or damaged shall be guilty of an offence.

    (2) A person who without lawful excuse destroys or damages any property, whether belonging to himself or another:

    (a) intending to destroy or damage any property or being reckless as to whether any property would be destroyed or damaged; and
    (b) intending by the destruction or damage to endanger the life of another or being reckless as to whether the life of another would be thereby endangered;

    shall be guilty of an offence.


    (2) A person charged with an offence to which this section applies, shall, whether or not he would be treated for the purposes of this Act as having a lawful excuse apart from this subsection, be treated for those purposes as having a lawful excuse:

    (a) if at the time of the act or acts alleged to constitute the offence he believed that the person or persons whom he believed to be entitled to consent to the destruction of or damage to the property in question had so consented, or would have so consented to it if he or they had known of the destruction or damage and its circumstances; or

    (b) (Doesn't apply in this case)

    (3) For the purposes of this section it is immaterial whether a belief is justified or not if it is honestly held.

    Were you arrested and interviewed, or a non-custodial interview? Were you legally represented, did you provide the defence in law?

    If you haven't been legally represented, I suggest you speak to a brief! To poorly quote Lt George from Blackadder Goes Forth, "you appear as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo", however, if my licence were at stake, I'd obtain legal advice

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Saxmaniac View Post
    Section 1 Criminal Damage Act 1971

    Destroying or damaging property.

    (1) A person who without lawful excuse destroys or damages any property belonging to another intending to destroy or damage any such property or being reckless as to whether any such property would be destroyed or damaged shall be guilty of an offence.

    (2) A person who without lawful excuse destroys or damages any property, whether belonging to himself or another:

    (a) intending to destroy or damage any property or being reckless as to whether any property would be destroyed or damaged; and
    (b) intending by the destruction or damage to endanger the life of another or being reckless as to whether the life of another would be thereby endangered;

    shall be guilty of an offence.


    (2) A person charged with an offence to which this section applies, shall, whether or not he would be treated for the purposes of this Act as having a lawful excuse apart from this subsection, be treated for those purposes as having a lawful excuse:

    (a) if at the time of the act or acts alleged to constitute the offence he believed that the person or persons whom he believed to be entitled to consent to the destruction of or damage to the property in question had so consented, or would have so consented to it if he or they had known of the destruction or damage and its circumstances; or

    (b) (Doesn't apply in this case)

    (3) For the purposes of this section it is immaterial whether a belief is justified or not if it is honestly held.

    Were you arrested and interviewed, or a non-custodial interview? Were you legally represented, did you provide the defence in law?

    If you haven't been legally represented, I suggest you speak to a brief! To poorly quote Lt George from Blackadder Goes Forth, "you appear as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo", however, if my licence were at stake, I'd obtain legal advice
    I’ll defo get advice now
    I was read my rights and cautioned in my house
    They did say they are supposed to handcuff me and take me down the station but seeing I was a nice guy they said they wouldn’t do that as I might get embarrassed by the neighbours seeing me in handcuffs
    I couldn’t give two monkeys about my neighbours now
    They’ve been taken out my will and their name put in the little black book Lol 😂😂

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Don't plead guilty to anything. I would have probably done the same to the inconsiderate prick in the same situation.

    If you're a BASC member, give them a call straight away.

    If not, try to find a solicitor called Clive Reese and see if he can help.

    Good luck.

    All of the above.

  11. #11
    eyebull's Avatar
    eyebull is offline Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Valentine View Post
    Don’t take advice off an Internet forum! As above has said, BASC if you’re a member. If not, seek the advice of a solicitor before doing anything else.
    /\ THIS x1000 /\
    Good deals with these members

  12. #12
    arnie2b Guest
    I hope you get it back pronto.
    The law is an arse.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Saxmaniac View Post
    Section 1 Criminal Damage Act 1971

    Destroying or damaging property.

    (1) A person who without lawful excuse destroys or damages any property belonging to another intending to destroy or damage any such property or being reckless as to whether any such property would be destroyed or damaged shall be guilty of an offence.

    (2) A person who without lawful excuse destroys or damages any property, whether belonging to himself or another:

    (a) intending to destroy or damage any property or being reckless as to whether any property would be destroyed or damaged; and
    (b) intending by the destruction or damage to endanger the life of another or being reckless as to whether the life of another would be thereby endangered;

    shall be guilty of an offence.


    (2) A person charged with an offence to which this section applies, shall, whether or not he would be treated for the purposes of this Act as having a lawful excuse apart from this subsection, be treated for those purposes as having a lawful excuse:

    (a) if at the time of the act or acts alleged to constitute the offence he believed that the person or persons whom he believed to be entitled to consent to the destruction of or damage to the property in question had so consented, or would have so consented to it if he or they had known of the destruction or damage and its circumstances; or

    (b) (Doesn't apply in this case)

    (3) For the purposes of this section it is immaterial whether a belief is justified or not if it is honestly held.

    Were you arrested and interviewed, or a non-custodial interview? Were you legally represented, did you provide the defence in law?

    If you haven't been legally represented, I suggest you speak to a brief! To poorly quote Lt George from Blackadder Goes Forth, "you appear as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo", however, if my licence were at stake, I'd obtain legal advice
    Is that English law ? OP is in Scotland so subject to Scottish law.

    OP get legal advice ASAP, I would say unblocking your access was reasonable grounds to break the window but I'm not a lawyer.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    A friend of mine lives close to a school, His drive was always being blocked by the parents so He phoned 101 and was advised that if his car was on the drive and couldn't be driven from it that the person who's car it is can get a fine as it's illegal to block exit but , It doesn't apply if you can't gain entry to his property though, He was advised to take pics so that a case could be made against the car owner blocking his exit..

    Maybe this would have been your best course of action?

    Hope you don't lose your guns

    for my gunz guitarz and bonzai, see here

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    When the right of ownership is taken away and a licence is granted in its place , that is just what it is a licence and you are bound by its conditions. Criminal record of which vandalism is one , not sure about drink driving, and medical conditions are the two catch all conditions. Sorry for your loss and you have my sympathy as we live next to a Doctor's Surgery, in a cul de sac, and quite often the idiots visiting the surgery see fit to block our drive way just because they are too lazy to park somewhere else which is safe and walk fifty yards. A nation of inconsiderates we have become.


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