You are not let down buy the shows. The manufacturers and distributors and resellers decide what they do at what events and what dates product will be produced and released.
Market size as well as international trading factors and laws of the land... taxation and duties etc will all have their sway. The shows are purely a venue and not the ultimate point of sale.
It is also possible for feedback to be given from hands out side of the point of manufactur and as far as I am concerned ANYTHING that means the MK1 hits the end user with as much R&D as possible is no bad thing. I never rush now to get S/N 000000001 because I don't want to be the open market researcher for the maker with all the ballache that can entail.
Lets face facts... product is pulled thats "good & trusted" in favour of an "upgraded" product usually with huge delays... lots of issues... and a waste of your time and money.
Its a balance. It is far from perfect but the maker needs to get it right with all of the pressures that a manufacturer faces which is another story on its own.
I would rather they kept their mouths shut and launch when it is possible to actually supply the end user with an on the money product bug free.
But the shows are not the issue TBH.
Last edited by Steyr; 25-04-2019 at 10:25 AM.
In a battle of wits I refuse to engage with an unarmed person.
To one shot one kill, you need to seek the S. Kill only comes from Skill