Quote Originally Posted by T 20 View Post
You will do after the next bash, Tone, he wants to trade his Zed Thou against a new Beemer and I've told him you're the man to talk to.

I've been a bit quiet on here over the holiday as something happened on Sunday that I can't get out of my head, I went round Dave's for a BBQ and mentioned the state of his neighbour's garage.
Dave explained that his neighbour built the garage specially to rebuild an old car but he never got round to it and the car has sat in there untouched for the last 25 years.
Since finding out what the car is I've been seriously trying to work out what it's worth and how much it will cost to get back to new condition, I think I better call in at Retropower for a worse case scenario quote on the bodywork --- even though the car was built in 1968 most of the body panels are still made in America.

I'll let you know how I get on.
Well, that's a teaser if ever there was one Mick. I doubt I'll get it out of my head now until you say what it is

BTW, payment sent, see you in June