Quote Originally Posted by T 20 View Post
I have a 54 you're welcome to play with Mike, these use an identical action to the 56, and Nick is just having a fiddle with a 54 for the next Bash.

There's a bit of cost cutting with a few of the action components on these but the sledge system works well enough on them.
They're actually designed to run at 20+ Ftlbs and new ones are fitted with a transfer port restrictor for the UK market, but it's easy enough to fit a weaker spring and remove the restrictor for 12ftlb use --- there's no point cocking a 20ftlbs of Spring to get 12ftlbs out.
ive just fettled a diana k98 mauser i think they are ment to do 18ftlb plus same action as diana 460 also fitted with a transfer port restrictor washer to reduce power to sub 12 anyway 30 odd grams taken off piston by milling 3 slots in it restrictor washer out and was still doing 16ftlb plus so drilled washer out to 3mm as it was 2mm before power down to 14plus so shortened spring 3 times now doing 10.9 and people who sjot it said its nice to shoot can fetch to june bash if anyone wants a play