We shot our first LP5 at the club last night and we were very impressed with its smooth trigger and accuracy.
As a single shot pistol is was a lot better than we expected it to be as we had heard that the triggers on LP5,s were not that good, but this one is nice.
As a rapid fire pistol we found the action to be smooth and trouble free so we are really happy with it and hope to be able to find another one (CO2 or PCP) as soon as possible.
We would also consider a nice LP50 if one should crop-up !
Our LP5 is the standard length pistol, we have never seen a “short” LP5 or LP50 but it has been suggested that the short pistols “point” faster and could be better than the standard length for rapid fire?
Hopefully we will get to see one sometime, but for now we are more than happy with our standard length LP5.