My first ever airgun was my dad's old relum jelly which had no rearsight so I cobbled one up out of a piece of tin. That was about age 11, I badgered my dad for a better rifle as I would read airgunner and airgun world and longed to try my hand at hunting. The old man said I wasn't allowed to shoot animals, and that if i wanted a better airgun i had to join a club. So age 12 I joined the local 10metre indoor club and received a gamo compact pistol for my thirteenth birthday. Age fifteen i started saving all my pocket money and wages from working in my dad's shop to buy a proper rifle as soon as I turned sixteen. Shortly after my birthday i persuaded my dad to drive me All the way to Blackpool so could purchase a theoben fenman, I had seen one month's beforehand in one of the magazine's and had fallen in love at first sight, hence my enthusiastic saving over the previous long months. I joined the local ft club and used my theoben on their indoor range and their outdoor course, at the club i met a few guys who were into hunting and was taken along by one of them, I was hooked from the first outing and have never looked back