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Thread: Gun cabinet position

  1. #1
    jinx is offline Southern Hunter Champion.
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Gun cabinet position

    I am soon going to be applying for my ticket and have all the info i need (i think) except this. I know the the FEO's don't like a cabinet to be put in a garage but my garage is part of the house. I live in a 3 storey town house and the garage is incorporated in the ground floor. It is very secure and the main door cannot be opened from outside and the side door is in the hallway. Is it likely that the FEO will ok the position of the cabinet or will i have to move it?

  2. #2
    bennyblanco Guest
    just ask them Mark, get the cabinet and dont fix it anywhere. discuss it on the visit, some garages are very secure, some are ****e.
    just show them that you are taking the security seriously just like the gun safety


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    North Bristol outskirts
    It depends very much on the FLO. Mine prefers the cabinet to be on the same floor as you sleep, more secure at night, but that is only a preference, mine ended up in the loft (a higher authority objected to the cabinet in a bedroom).
    They don't like 'outbuildings' which includes garages but if you can convince him of its security, as yours is part of the house he may accept it.
    The weak point will be the car entry door, always the easiest to force. Concentrate your efforts on securing that, an alarm may help, and you may have no problems.
    There are no rules as such, the legislation doesn't even require a gunsafe or cabinet, just that you take "reasonable steps to prevent access by non certificate holders". My uncle had a side plate hammer gun and used to take the locks off and keep them in his safe, the rest of the gun lived in the wardrobe. A gun safe is probably the easiest way though.
    AKA Porthos, a Piskateer of Renown.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Very much depends on your FEO, but i would be very surprised if he allows this, on the basis of lower security than inside your house.

    Also, i would'nt keep my guns in the garage due to extremes of temperature and humidity.

    The security on your garage, (you say it's not able to be opened from outside) is less than that on the house. Ie, no dead locks etc etc.
    Also, if it cant be opened from do you get your car in?
    It sounds pedantic i know, but the FEO will think like this.

    I reckon the FEO would be very unlikely to let you site it there.

    Far better to site it on an exterior wall within the house.
    Mine is in our 2nd bedroom, bolted to the outside wall by 6 bolts into the wall and 4 fixings to the floor.

    I just had my FEO visit, and he was more than happy.
    It aint going anywhere.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Barnsley, South Yorks
    To be honest from what my FEO said when I applied for my SGC, I think that there will be little chance of them agreeing to the cabinet going in the garage.

  6. #6
    jinx is offline Southern Hunter Champion.
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The car door doesn't get used that much so it is well locked most off the time. I used to keep a race car in there along with 10k worth of kit/tools so i reinforced the door with angle iron and put extra lockable bolts in place. The only other way in is from inside the house, the front door is being replaced in the next week or so with a upvc one which are very secure and you would have to get past two doors with 5 lever mortice locks at the back.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Gillingham Dorset
    I would say "No chance" seeing one of the criterior for a FAC is security locks on doors and windows. I have four cabinets one in the roof and three in the spare room.

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