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Thread: Hello from Poland

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Hello from Poland


    I'm Bartosz (yes, my nickname is my RL name), 33 years old, I live in Poland.

    More than a month ago I became a happy owner of my first airgun - Weihrauch HW45 (4.5mm) Along with the pistol, I also asked for a 'tuning service' which is supposed to decrease the Diesel effect, replace the original gasket and chnage the order of some pieces to generally extend the 'lifespan' of the gun (at least that was advertised)

    I also bought a box of pellets - JSB tester; so far I have shot slightly more than 50 pellets in 2 sessions, with very poor results yet it was so much fun.

    What am I shooting at? Well, I bought a second-hand photo tripod and a 'pellet trap' (no sure about this word, hopefully you get the idea ) and mounted the latter on top of the former

    Plans for the future: I definitely need to spend A LOT of time practicing and basically checking if I hit what I aim - perhaps the sights would ask for some adjustments yet I first need to figure out how to test it.

    All in all, I'm happy to be here

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Hi Bartosz
    I also shoot a HW45 and find the RWS R10 pistol target works well - they now seem to be replacing them with Meisterkugeln, which seem identical but cheaper, watch out there are two types, the lighter pistol pellets have a picture of a pistol on the tin.
    I haven’t had mine tuned but it shoots fine, especially at low power. You can also buy custom grips as the Colt 1911 grips fit the HW45. I have a pair of target grips I bought on from a maker in Costa Rica.
    On the Umarex Boys Club forum they have monthly pistol shoots including a springer class the HW45 has quite a following there. The idea is you shoot at home at 6 yard range (about 5.5m) and email the score.
    All the best

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Thanks Eric. I should have mentioned this - I own a Black Star so Colt grips won't fit. But I'm totally in love with the stock ones - they were one of the main reasons I decided to buy a Black Star rather than the original one. Also, thanks for the advice concerning the pellets. Yesterday I ordered a box of JSB Exact RS 4.52mm and JSB Match Diabolo Heavy weight 4.50mm

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