Quote Originally Posted by andrewM View Post
Geezer, here is the link with an interesting explanation as to the three types of rifling, with pros and cons:


Meanwhile, I have now counted the rifling grooves in both my Mk3s: in one, the rifling seems to be more pronounced and it appears to have 11-12 grooves. In the second, the rifling is less pronounced but also appears to have 11 grooves - difficult to be certain and I used a torch at the muzzle end.

I then compared this with the Mk3, which is mid to late '60s, belonging to a friend (which I recently stripped, cleaned and re-lubricated). It appears to have 7 grooves in the rifling.

Now, it could be that this is all irrelevant and I am barking up the wrong tree but, given the vital importance of the barrel in terms of accuracy, I think I am on to something! My conclusion, therefore - albeit perhaps controversial to those with older rifles - is that the Mk3 was at its best from an accuracy viewpoint in the '70s, despite some areas (such as the loading tap lever), where costs had been cut. I would still like to have more comparisons from other owners to prove my point, which is taken from only six rifles, two of which are from a contributor to this thread. To those, therefore, who wish to add a Mk3 to their collection, from an accuracy viewpoint it would be preferable to seek a 1970s model. That said, I do not know the date at which button rifling was installed for the Mk3. That would be helpful information, if it exists.
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