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Thread: starting reloading for a snider

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Moulins France

    starting reloading for a snider

    Well, being as though we are now locked in until April 15th at earliest, I started sorting out some reloading for the above. Just cut down the magtec brass, annealed it, sized it. So far so good I guess.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Unless you have the correct .600 dia bullet - available in two styles - you'll just be burning powder and sending lead downrange. Please take a look at Rob on britishmuzzleloader on Youtube, and get in touch with Martyn of X-Ring Services in Spokane Washington state. He makes the moulds for the correct style, weight and diameter bullets for the Snider. Rob has two articles on loading for the snider, and LOTS of shooting with them, too. There is also the annual event called the Great Alberta Shoot, with many Sniders, and Martyn putting in appearances, too.

    I have two heritage Canadian Sniders, both of which shoot very well, actually DID shoot very well - here in UK they would have to be on my FAC so that I could shoot them, and I'm told that I can't have any more guns...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    leeds, west yorkshire
    not all sniders can chamber .600 bullets though.
    fireform your brass with a full load then try and seat the .600 bullet then see if it chambers.
    you do need to fireform with a full charge though

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Moulins France
    I was going to fireform using Minies as I think I think I recall seeing the chap on britishmuzzleloaders recommending this for the first use. I have a batch of .577, 500grain bullets from Haendler & Natermann that I picked up a while ago. I'd post a picture but I dont seem to have permission to use attachments anymore - no idea why.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    leeds, west yorkshire
    i use a modified mold which throws a .592 bullet but you can beagle the mold to increase size.
    trouble is i am not as good as rob at shooting these big bp rifles with open sights but just enjoy the experience

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I shoot a Nepalese Snider with Magtech shotgun brass and a round ball. Works well for me, the limit being my eyesight and the sights

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    leeds, west yorkshire
    Quote Originally Posted by TA6319 View Post
    I shoot a Nepalese Snider with Magtech shotgun brass and a round ball. Works well for me, the limit being my eyesight and the sights
    i used mine a few years ago wit h the same load as for my portugeuse mk 3 and fired and extracted perfectly as they were known for out of true chambers

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Moulins France
    Anybody know why i cannot post attachments on this thread? I'm trying to post a picture of the minies I have but it says I do not have permission.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by helidave1 View Post
    Anybody know why i cannot post attachments on this thread? I'm trying to post a picture of the minies I have but it says I do not have permission.
    Cheers D
    You have to use a host.

    That's why I don't even bother.

    Are your Miniés different to others, if so, you can describe them and we'll use our imagination! Sniders were not really made to shoot this type of bullet, but a compression bullet instead.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Ashington, Northumberland


    I have a 2 band Snider, it was made in Belgium for an officer, a posh sergeants model,
    I used a cast .590 bullet in mine
    which is a minie without the hollow base,
    always had a queue waiting for a go when I took it for an outing,
    also used a .590 minie, no real difference in accuracy,
    still have some somewhere if you want a few sent,
    stay safe,

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Moulins France
    Hi Tall,

    Thats a very good offer and if its still open I would like to take you up on it - how much do you need to post to 03240 France?

    To reference an earlier post, by Tac I think, I was in the process of ordering some dies from Martyn at Xring when the world went to s&*t and buggered up the post. I managed to pick up the Minies here in France and I don't know if they are different from other ones, only that they are hollow base and were made for the snider. This is all new to me - I blame Rob (and Tac) for encouraging an easily impressionable 59 year old with their videos and knowledge! My reloading experience has all been gained from pistol and .308 loading. My black powder knowledge is limited to my two R.O.A's and youtube. Rob on muzzleloaders says in his reloading video that I need to fire-form new brass using a minie so i am following his expertise more or less to the letter.
    At the moment all ranges here in France are shut but black powder is off ticket so I can test my loads in my back garden (suitable backstop/neighbours/space etc all available) - frankly I am that desperate to shoot something I'm seriously considering buying a high power pcp just for the hell of it.
    All advice much appreciated, thanks in advance.

  12. #12
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    Feb 2008
    Dave, I just love it when i get blamed for introducing somebody to something they may not have thought of before. Rob is THE man, and also a close buddy with Martyn, so you can bet that any advice he has is based on years of shooting the Snider in competition and in fun. Many years back I had a three-band snider that shot like a hose - I don't recall it every putting a bullet on the target at 100m. In the end, not having X-ring Services around to help out, I gave up with it. I knew that the bullet was undersized, but somehow baulked at the thought of opening out my Pritchett mould -even then, north of £100, to the required .598" diameter that is neded.

    Both my Canadian Sniders are what we call heritage arms with history from their use - the three-bander was carried by an ancestor in the Welland & Lincoln County Militia 44th Battalion of Infantry during the last Fenian Revolt - a poorly-disguised attempt by the Americans to invade and take control of Canada. I'm happy to relate that they got their clocks cleaned on that occasion, and have not tried it since.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Moulins France
    Hi Tac,

    I love it when people have enthusiasm for something, even if it doesn't rock my boat I think the world needs as much enthusiasm as it can muster. I took your advise and bought the mkiii Snider that I emailed you about. The price was good and apart from the fact that everybody in France thinks wire wool is a solution to everything regarding old firearms, I love owning it and really would like another one (with some history) as well at some point. For the moment, I think firearms are meant to be fired so thats my aim at the moment above all else and once I get some lead down range I will improve it from there - your advise is much appreciated and Robs videos are something else, I'm already starting to grow my moustache in homage to the man! I also managed to get hold of the snide enfield book without paying the stupid price that some advertise it for - just reading all I can about the history of it.
    All the best and thanks again.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Moulins France
    Hi Loiner,

    Just noticed you picked up the 32acp bullets advertised elsewhere on here - I had computer issues last night and missed these, would have been perfect for my Manurhin PPK!



  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    leeds, west yorkshire
    clear your message box david

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