Don't think I'll be getting a plink in today.

'Cos I got a little sesh in yesterday!

Now, down the garden I'll tend not to use the "better" ones other than initial sighting-in, chrono check etc. During the lockdown I first used the CO2 PPK and 2240s for low effort shooting. The Air Arms S410 did get a little airing mainly to check it's okay, but I fell asleep with boredom after a few shots. The Mercury S has had a few sessions, my old '35's been out for a play, HW40 & 45 and the Tempest also came out for some pistol fun.

After a little "eeny, meeny" to-ing and fro-ing yesterday I grabbed one of my 77s. A freebie back in '09 and admittedly abused by the previous owner. Stripped and fettled in early 2010 and fitted a V-Mach kit. And in 2014 I fitted the synthetic TH stock after falling in love with Chris Allum's. And you lovely Boingerpeeps chipped in and bought me the stock. And Uncle Mick made me a little front stock screw bush (it's a Mark 1). Thanks chaps; love ya.

Had a most enjoyable session with this super-sweet shooting full length .22. I've always shot Superdomes through it. But yesterday I also put some FTTs and JSB RS through it and they're both even better. Will have to try at longer range to decide for sure, but think I'll be switching to the FTTs for this gun.

Loved every second of it yesterday. And, although I enjoy all my guns (especially the HWs), if I were ever backed into choosing just one rifle (eh?), the 77 would be it.


Well, muted thud anyway.