Profuse apologies Dave and Verity for not getting on here sooner to express thanks and gratitude to you both from myself and Marian. It's been straight back into a hectic working week, and we're still catching up after arriving home after 11pm on Sunday night (we did break the journey with family in Hertfordshire on the way back).
Your whole family has done us proud with the hospitality, organisation, precautions and taming of the weather. The traditions of The Bash have been upheld and are strong. We'll try and make the October Bash if there are enough takers to make it a worthwhile venture.
Dave and Mike deserve to be Mentioned in Dispatches for there own efforts too - well done lads!
For a non shooter, Marian, the current Mrs Clogger, thoroughly enjoyed herself, and it warmed my cockles to have her sit next to me on the benches and shoot "her" HW30 for a couple of hours on Sunday morning.
It's been so good to see old friends again, and meet new ones too - particularly the local Bell Target Club members (has Jane decided on a rifle yet?).

All our very best wishes, Alastair and Marian