Definitely the correct decision, Dave.

And a big, massive, heartfelt thank you for keeping the Bash candle burning and opening your home and facilities to the cause. Truly a wondrous, selfless gesture. And you and Mick do it out of love and commitment to the cause, as whoever hosts it on the current basis most certainly isn't doing it without losing money. This, plus the anxiety, planning, getting all the behind-the-scenes bits and pieces in and Mick are certainly heroes and to be applauded.

I know it might not click with everybody, but remember before you offered to host? And a fair few said they'd prefer it to be "kept in the family" which is nice? And I appreciate that, I really do, especially for those camping like at Mick's enjoying huge freedom for a paltry sum, creating a unique atmosphere. But might it not be worth considering the use of a commercial venue for future events. Somewhere with existing facilities / suitable staffing etc so it's not just one or two people taking up the strain? One or two of the venues we'd semi-considered last year did also have campsites relatively close by, too........

We're looking well ahead now and it looks like we have a second wave of this dreadful pandemic to get through, too. Stay safe everyone, keep the faith, keep the Boing, keep in touch; we will get there and we will re-unite in Boingery nirvana sometime soon.

Love you peeps xxx