Hi Vic,
Thanks for the post. The problem with the forum is that you cannot have an auction, you must state what you want. So if I said I wanted £150 then no one answers (except with abuse about my greed) if I said £15 then I may be underselling it.
I have had a couple of bad experiences with the 'bay recently so I am reluctant to put it up there.
I'll think about it for a while - after all I've had it for a long time so there is no rush. I'd like it to go to a collector who will appreciate it without doing myself.

Quote Originally Posted by Vic Thompson View Post
Thanks for the reply majex45. Following on from Abasmajor's suggestion :

Advertising on the BBS is at no cost and by doing so you'd get an informed opinion of its desirability and value based on the level of response and offers made (from knowledgeable people actually interested in buying it).

Ditto a Bay Watch run would do the same, often prices on there achieve surprising levels, but of course it's an Auction situation with costs involved and the risk of a final bid below expectations.

The final problem is then dealing with posting (if applicable). It's a fairly delicate item and would need good packaging with a final shipping cost likely to be an "ouch" moment for someone.

HTH, Vic Thompson.