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Thread: single point sight

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Tonbridge Kent
    Can I get the one I put in the trash 2 years ago back from the Council......please

  2. #17
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    Marlow, Bucks
    When I got my first one, away back in the '70s, it was the 'thing'. I used it exclusively on a .22LR and while it never pretended to be a target scope, it accounted for a good few bunnies. And a few running ones too, IIRC.

    It had the radioactive green dot which appeared when there was insufficient light for the red one to show and I remember there was a warning that the radioactivity would have decayed by some time around 1995 - 2010 resulting in the loss of green illumination - can't quite remember the date but do remember thinking that it was so far in the future, it didn't matter!!

    I mounted one of them on my 223 just after I got it about 10 years ago after having missed opportunities on hill foxes that appeared 20-30 yds in front of me. By the time I'd acquired them in my 6.5-20 scope on 6.5 mag, they had scarpered. Worked fine for close up work ie up to about 30 yds.

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muskett View Post
    Not bad, but nothing like as good as say an AimPoint.
    Very much of their time.
    Or gluing a bit of watch or compass dial to a foresight? battle sights are pretty good for snapshooting and almost soldier proof in use.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark D View Post
    Can I get the one I put in the trash 2 years ago back from the Council......please
    That’s exactly where mine went, I seen to remember the dot being quite large at anything but close range. Wish I’d kept it now though

  5. #20
    edbear2 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Muskett View Post
    Stick it on the bay as a Star Wars scope and you may well get £100 plus. Its missing its caps.

    As an air rifle scope then £35. As a Star Wars prop £100 to £200 depending on condition. Yours is the clear perspex day example so more desirable than the day/night misted version which used to be more expensive.

    Many have cracked lenses which the Star Wars guys don't worry too much about. They even print copies.

    Certain 4x20 scopes do well too as Star Wars props.
    A few years ago I sold (I think) an ASI cheapo 3/4 scope on there, I was expecting a tenner tops and it went for some bonkers amount...I recall I asked on here at the time and learnt about the "Star Wars " effect

    ATB, Ed

  6. #21
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    Quick check of completed listings on that auction site, and a rarer ‘3 lines of text’ rust speckled round nosed one sold for £450.
    Others, including ones without turret caps go for £160-£180.

    Who’d have think it?

    If I had 7 I’d get listing!


  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ptdunk View Post
    Quick check of completed listings on that auction site, and a rarer ‘3 lines of text’ rust speckled round nosed one sold for £450.
    Others, including ones without turret caps go for £160-£180.

    Who’d have think it?

    If I had 7 I’d get listing!

    i'm not going to declare what I bought all mine for except to say one of them was £17...... and that was around 2007

  8. #23
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    Word of warning. If you sell them via fleabay to the States, there border force has a habit of snapping off the clear dome cover to make sure there is no drugs inside. You then end up in a buyer's dispute having to show lots of original photos to prove that the dome was intact when it left the UK and the sticky glue resin is down to the US border force and the buyer's claim is with them.
    When the first one happened, the buyer was ok but with the second one I soon realised where the problem was and what was going on. So take lot's of close up photos of the dome and save them.!!
    I now state the above in my listing so foreign buyer's know the score.
    ,AA , Magtech , Arnie, Sako, Ruger . plus the others .

  9. #24
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    If I remember correctly, the cone type came out and was reviewed very favourably in Airgun World.
    So I wanted one, but they were a weeks wages back then.
    So a military one was advertised for less than £10 so I bought one....

  10. #25
    micky2 is offline The collector formerly known as micky
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    I had a couple of these a few years ago and sold them on evilbay got about £35 each which at the time l thought was great. with hindsight l should have kept them.

  11. #26
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    The cone type were the earlier and were sold to the military. They are collectable due to the POW rescue mission, but only in the US. Militarily they never did that well, as iron sights are about as good in good hands.
    The civilian, hunting, version was pushed hard though rather than for running boar they found a niche with AGW air gun plinkers. And then as they were "space age" as Star Wars props; they were pretty cheap.
    That the "dot" isn't exactly small they at best are fair for farmyard ranges. They are reasonably quick, but parallax issues and needing to be sighted to the individual, don't make them that accurate. Solid hit on target rather than precision.
    Quite fun though.

    The Sussex Armoury air rifle ones first came with a one piece front mount. These could crack the perspex if over tightened!!! They did look cool though. Many were mounted with two piece, usually fairly cheap ones of the time. Two piece were better, but often leave mount marks in the paint finish.

    There were also barrel fibre optics beed sights for shotguns.

    I've had at least ten Single Points over the years; two I sold at Star Wars prices. I buy any I find cheap.
    There were two types of turret cap, rubber and metal. The thread to the metal type was short and poor so many were lost. The rubber ones weren't much good either.

  12. #27
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    OEG sights .

    A video here with a history of them .

  13. #28
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    There seem to be quite a few on that auction sight currently lol
    WANTED: Next weeks winning lottery numbers :-)

  14. #29
    harvey_s's Avatar
    harvey_s is offline Lost love child of David Niven and Victoria Beckham
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    Here's some info I posted here years ago...

    As far as I'm aware there were at least 2 types of red dot (day & night type) and at least 1 type of light green dot.
    Some had rounded ends & some were squared off (I thought the squared off type were night versions rather than military ones...?)

    They have an interesting history being used in the Son Tay raid to rescue american POW's held in North Vietnam..."In 1970 whilst training for the raid, Col. Arthur "Bull" Simons was unhappy that even his best shooters were getting only about 25% of the rounds fired at 50 metres into torso-sized targets. This wasn't too clever - when the expectation was to bring down the opponents with single well-aimed shots to avoid hitting the POW's. the story goes that one night Simons and his armorer were trying to solve the problem when they came across an ad for the Singlepoint OEG in Guns and Ammo. They ordered the nite versions and the results were amazing - even the poorest shooter could put all his rounds inside a 12" circle at 25m. with both eyes open, men could shift their fire from one target to another just as rapidly as daytime and with the same accuracy - the supply guys then went and bought enough to equip every raider with the sights"

    Here is a pic from the JFK Special Warfare Center Museum of an original Singlepoint in the mount:
    Last edited by harvey_s; 09-12-2020 at 03:30 PM.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Single Point sight.

    There's one sitting on the dock of the bay at the moment. Already at £138.00. Mach 1.5

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