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Thread: Dr Bob Vendetta PP Block

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001

    Dr Bob Vendetta PP Block

    The Dr Bob Vendetta Block: A Block To Far.......
    The whole Dr Bob Vendetta project started in the summer of 2016 with the famed Dr. deciding that he would add a block that was a like for like a copy of the mk2 Theoben bock but incorporating the same improvements that Chip Smith in the states had included on his block when he had designed them 4-5 years earlier, these improvements being Picatinny rail, longer block to allow more air to be stored in the pre-chamber (complete with valve standoff built into the valve cap due to the longer valve pre-chamber), double-barrel clamp screws and extra plug on the bottom of the block to enable both a quick-fill and a gauge to be fitted or left blank other than these improvements all other parts from a Theoben mk2 post-2007 mk4 triggered block were completely interchangeable other than the valve cap which a stand-off could be made to fit in it. From what is believed a deal was struck with Chip Smith for the cad drawings and work was set about assessing them to get them manufactured in the U.K. (chip smith had never exported his blocks to the U.K. believing it was not worth the hassle and only x2 block ever made it into the U.K. as private imports) after a while and with the support of the Rapid 7 Owners Club forum ( in the way of both paying the deposit (the blocks were a hefty £350 a block and deposit was £100) to enable the project to get of its feet and with support from one of the R7OC's resident engineers in terms of Cad drawings an engineering company of good standing(or so it appeared…) was appointed to convert the cad drawings into a CNC program and manufacture 20 prototype blocks there were Known as the PP blocks……

    All should have been good other than the fact that instead of taking the design as it was decided to try and improve on it and make the block ambidextrous so that the bolt handle could be switched from the right side and transferred to the left side making it a left-handed block and a blanking plate fitted to the right side or the left side dependant on what configuration it was used in, now start the issues…….

    1. As soon as this is done the hammer lost support on the left-hand side, this then allowed the hammer to porpoise its way down the hammer bore making the hammer pip clip the valve stem at best or miss the stem bore and jam up the first issue caused massive fluctuations in velocity consistency and if jammed a strip down was required to release the hammer as it then over travelled the sear and locked the action up, this could have been avoided by properly testing the PP blocks before they were sent out to customers as it would have shown up straight away that there was an issue.
    2. In addition to the ambidextrous Modification to the original Chip Smith block design, it was also thought it would be a good idea to have a quick change barrel functionality, and the barrel locating screw that goes into the top of the block was changed to a larger size and that of a ball detent type that would mean you could slacken the barrel pinch bolts on the side pull the barrel out and push a new one in and it locate in the dimple on the barrel then nip the pinch bolts up and off you go (obviously changing the pellet probe to the new cal.) all without having to take the scope off…….. All sounds brilliant does it not! Unfortunately, the Engineering company either misread the plans or they did not care that much about the project but when they drilled and threaded the hole for the larger diameter ball detent type screw they went too far with the drill and tap and also threaded the port from the block to the barrel port……… Not ideal for smooth airflow.

    3. Another issue is that the hammer cap was not threaded as per the original mk2 metric size but instead was threaded to mk1 spec which is imperial not the end of the world but not mk2 spec as was meant to be.
    4. Another issue found was that the Magazine slot had been machined too deep allowing the mag to move on the pellet probe and barrel locating extrusion meaning that it is possible for the mag to move and then jam up on the pellet probe or in extreme cases the pellet probe become bent if shoved hard enough or at best damage the magazine!
    5. Trigger pocket machined too deep meaning the hammer would jam up on the sear and release correctly…….
    6. Stock bolt crew instead of being threaded to ¼ BSP instead threaded to 2ba

    In addition to the above issue’s the finish was anodized as per the original Theoben blocks but the blocks were not inspected first and had multiple marks on them before being sent for anodizing after anodizing these were made more obvious when the Vendetta was engraved into the anodizing some have been done better than others, but none are satisfactory on a new gun…….

    Now Fine you may say these are all part of the Prototype process the learning and trying to fix the issues to make a better final product for the consumer be the best it can be? But there must be questions on why these were accepted in the first place as being testable…… like has already been above massive amounts of feedback and ideas from all the Tech boffins on the R7OC was given before anything was made but it seems none of this advice was heeded? Also, people have handed over hard-earned cash for a block that had been sold to be fully compatible with a mk2 block other than the need for a valve stand-off.

    Most of the above faults were fixed by the Lathe Boys on the R7OC with some quite ingenious ideas to stop the Hammer movement issues and to prevent the hammer coming into contact with the trigger block and Velcro strip being added to the mag slot and not a lot being done about the threaded port….. to make a block that works but not as good as it could be and not a patch on the Chip Smith blocks or the Theoben blocks but at least it is working!! Some chaps on the R7OC had bought x2 blocks and had well over 1k invested in them and the associated parts to build them up…….

    What was Dr Bob's response to the above? Not a lot to be fair other than to say that the next blocks would be better and the original PP block issues had been taken on board and that the original PP bock purchasers would be offered the chance to swap their blocks or buy another improved block at a discount……

    I should add to this that my block is now fully assembled into a working rifle, its performance is thanks to the diligence of Bucketboy on the R7OC but it is a gun I can’t seem to gel with even though it is kitted out with a StevenB TTR laminate stock, Bucketboy internals and shroud and is in the wonder calibre .20 but I think all the issues with it have tainted the gun somewhat.

    Part 2 to come that covers the new vendetta blocks…………

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    cardiff, south wales.
    A fool and his money perhaps ? Dr Bob should have just refunded everyone and kept some of his reputation intact, instead he presses on with the MK2 version and people still kept feeding him money Good luck to all those who didn't get what they were expecting.

    Law of any kind only affects those willing to abide by it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    It's a real shame it went this badly. However, I often asked myself if I'd invest in such a project and thinking about it, none of it made financial sense. The potential market for a good product is extremely limited in that...
    1. Only Rapid fans would buy one, and maybe not.
    2. You then need the ancillary parts plus a stock.
    3. You need to be technically adept to build it up into a working rifle.

    Sales projections would be low enough to scare off any real investors and perhaps that's the way the engineering production company were thinking when they cocked up.
    Last edited by Brooksy; 05-01-2021 at 07:26 PM.
    The Early Bird May Get The Worm, But It's The Second Mouse That Gets The Cheese !!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    that's the whole idea with pre-production to establish what the issues are and resolve them for the production version, which was going to be a direct swap pp for production

    Personally am looking forward to getting my block from Dr Bob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by GB2017 View Post
    that's the whole idea with pre-production to establish what the issues are and resolve them for the production version, which was going to be a direct swap pp for production

    Personally am looking forward to getting my block from Dr Bob
    Totally agree with you ref the PP blocks, hence why the 2nd part of the review will cover the production block (mine needed similar work to above in addition to their issues)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by JLB View Post
    A fool and his money perhaps ? Dr Bob should have just refunded everyone and kept some of his reputation intact, instead he presses on with the MK2 version and people still kept feeding him money Good luck to all those who didn't get what they were expecting.

    Quote Originally Posted by GB2017 View Post
    that's the whole idea with pre-production to establish what the issues are and resolve them for the production version, which was going to be a direct swap pp for production

    Personally am looking forward to getting my block from Dr Bob
    I didn't get one, so there may be details that I'm unaware of,
    as long as it was clear to all, that this was a prototype with untested changes they were buying in to, then I'm afraid it's a chance you take & I don't see that he should have refunded the buyers.
    As for errors with threading/machining where does the fault lie ? the CAD drawing, the conversion to CNC file, or something else entirely ?

    Is/was the mk2 Vendetta a sorted design ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
    I didn't get one, so there may be details that I'm unaware of,
    as long as it was clear to all, that this was a prototype with untested changes they were buying in to, then I'm afraid it's a chance you take & I don't see that he should have refunded the buyers.
    As for errors with threading/machining where does the fault lie ? the CAD drawing, the conversion to CNC file, or something else entirely ?

    Is/was the mk2 Vendetta a sorted design ?
    Well as far as I am aware the mk2 is and all things being equal I should receive mine built up in the next couple of weeks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    As stated above the mk2 vendetta block is suffering some of the same issues and other issues as above..... I also have a mk2 as well as the PP block. Hopefully this week will put a review together

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Boys I don't understand what had to be improved in from the standard rifle.... It was great as is....I own 3 of them

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The production blocks were meant to be perfect and offered as replacements for the preproduction blocks but also suffered massive blunders by the new company machining them. Bob failed to check them again before sending them out to paying customers. Yes the company who made them should have inspected them and found the faults but they didn’t. Bob refused to send them back and have them remade after being told to do so by myself (a CNC and manual machinist by trade) and other machinists by trade.

    The company doing the machining is meant to be ISO 9001 certified, this means they have traceability and inspection for every step of the process along with final inspection with calibrated equipment. This was not followed and therefore the company has a responsibility to take the items back and remanufacture them to the correct specification for no additional fee.

    I have a pre production block and a production block, both have been with me to my work and been inspected and found to be out of spec. The pre production was made to work but the production one I’ve just lost interest in now, I may attempt to make it work yet.

    I was a day one supporter of this project and even offered to help Bob with the CAD work. I’ve given advice and so have many other far more experienced machinists along the way. I really wanted this to work but they just haven’t.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Who was the company.Atb mick

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mdunn View Post
    Who was the company.Atb mick
    Bob wouldn’t say who either company was.

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