I think you’ll pick the Haenel.
I think I’d pick one of the Hy-Scores. Probably the Sportster.
Time for some vintage fun. I’m taking the best pistols from my vintage blued milled collection. Over the week I’ll put each through its paces on my new to me basement range. I’ll test accuracy but also the many factors that go into the fun of shooting an air pistol. At the end I’ll try to rank them but my goal is to choose my favorite and try to justify my choice. It’s not about rarity but about the pistol itself. If you want guess my choice or which would be yours. Maybe I missed you favorite. These are all prewar but for the Hy-score. I’m including it because it was actually a prewar design that got interrupted?
Last edited by 45flint; 16-01-2021 at 09:38 PM.
I think you’ll pick the Haenel.
I think I’d pick one of the Hy-Scores. Probably the Sportster.
Ive never tried a Tell 3 or a Hy score, other than the Phoenix, which does remind me of a Webley. This is where things get interesting (to me). I think a lot of the "fun" factor can come down to firing cycle and it depends on which gun has which mainsping. For me, a slant gripped Senior with a "Slingy" action and a decent sear/ trigger would be the most fun. BUT, that is down to an individual gun.
I think you will go for the straight gripped Senior.
Most Smiles? Probably a BSA Scorpion, closely followed by a nicely worn in .22 Webley, which, for me would be a Senior or a Tempest.
Being able to hit what you are aiming at at short, plinking range is good for fun, but I've found some pistols shoot too high to be accurate at short range. Diana Modell 5, Slavia ZVP and the BSF20 spring to mind. There was a thread about this and aiming for the bottom of a target. Haenels are a PITA to cock and load. Original 5's are a bit big and clumsy, Relums, can be fun but a bit too hard to shoot well.Milbro Cougars, heavy, crap trigger and sights can move.
Last edited by ggggr; 16-01-2021 at 11:56 PM.
Cooler than Mace Windu with a FRO, walking into Members Only and saying "Bitches, be cool"
Interesting for me cause I do know what I like about individual pistols but I’ve never really shot them together and compared all their characteristics to each other. Great way to have some fun on my Winter range. Should take several days.
I'll be interested in the results....
The Tell is the best looking, but I've never tried one.
No idea about the Haenel.
The Webleys are nice, but I think the triggers could be found wanting.
I do like the Hy-scores, but the power has always been disappointing (possibly by being over-hyped), but on the plus side the triggers seem good.
The short one will probably be iffy with the short sight radius - but the longer barrel one might be OK and that's the one that I reckon that might take the prize?
the post-war 'Senior". If you pick the wee Hy-score the magazine will drive you nuts!
Is there any reason why you didn't include your Targ-air pistol in the group?
I’ve been going through my pistols during lockdown too, a little pistol pellet test and a zero is always fun when you don’t have to rush it.
I’d probably pick the single shot Hyscore for the fun of loading (although mine is the UK one with the cocking aid) and the post war senior for accuracy. (If it’s a good shooter) Both can be a real bugger to zero in though.
Having just zeroed in my Haenel I have to agree with ggggr that they are a PITA to cock, even using your method!
Nice selection.
Have fun,
Last edited by 45flint; 17-01-2021 at 02:59 PM.
Webley would be my choice
Decided to test by country of production. First up USA. The test was pretty easy as it turned out. The standard Hy-score pistol was the best. Probably the reason it was so successful over the years. The Targ-aire you could argue was the best made pistol. But as a working pistol it wasn’t very close to the Hy-score. Trigger wasn’t comparable, the huge piston caused much more jump in the firing cycle. The Hy-score was easier to cock, much more accurate and a excellent trigger. On to the UK representatives.
Score cards man!... let's see 'em
Extremely difficult choice between the two Webley Seniors. Did a number of days of shooting. The straight grip is .177 and my best pellet was a Crosman Premier Wadcutter. Wish I had some RWS Hobbys but didn’t. The 1946 Webley slant grip shot 22 RWS Hobbys. Accuracy was I think indistinguishable. The trigger of the straight grip was better, very light. Sights were a little better on the slant grip. Grip hold goes to the slant grip. Build quality edges a little to the straight grip. I’m pulling the Straight Grip forward but it’s so close. Plus it puts all the remaining guns in .177. German face off next