It's up to the researcher to do any force diagrams and the ONLY way to solve these issues is to get to the numbers otherwise the argument just goes around in subjective circles. There is NO easy answer to any question of dynamic effect experiences but subjective experiences stand little chance of determining the reason and then giving hope for a solution. This was never more highlighted than when I was doing assessments of piston weight and stroke on 97k actions when I had two (as near as possible) identical actions which were modified one at a time and compared by a panel of the best/most experienced shooters at our club. Each time, the one judged the best was used as the reference for the next test after the next modification suite on the other etc etc etc. Once the difference appeared to be miniscule I did two further assessments without changing anything in either action, just swapped the stocks and the results followed one of the stocks, judged by all to be the nicest! It's all what I have tended to call Shooter Feel Good Factor and it applies to any tool I would suggest; if one likes the look of the tool and it appears to be the one for the job, one will do a good job with it. And, the final variable which has the greatest effect is the Shooter, who's abilities and perceptions are key to this satisfaction!
Oh yes, the sensor in the diagram is an accelerometer from the range I have to conduct whatever tests are required at the time. The main reason for including the diagrams was to show the turning moment when recoil will tend (if the action is unrestricted) to rotate the action about the CoG flipping the muzzle up! Of course, the pellet exits the muzzle in the lunge (surge) phase so would flip down! This diagram is oversimplified since the action CoG will shift forwards during the action cycle as the piston/spring assy travels forwards but let's not overcomplicate things so early on! The main points will be that if the action sits low in the stock, the CoG will be less far from the Action dynamic centreline - so flip will be reduced.
Anyway, will bow out again now before I write a book!
I will however, dig out my 0.177 95k which I sorted some years ago and fitted a 98 stock but do not generally shoot nowadays and see what I feel (subjectively) about it now!
Happy airgunning!