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Thread: A brace of wheellock pistols

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    A brace of wheellock pistols

    courtesy of capandball in Hungary.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Bath, innit?
    Those look tremendous fun.
    Morally flawed

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Cornelius View Post
    Those look tremendous fun.
    They were made for Dr Németh by a gunsmith in Poland - Bolek Maciaszczyk - who makes museum-quality replications of older-style guns. Many of the items you see in capandball's movies about the 17th C shooting were made by this gentleman. All you need to get a similar pair of pistols is some spare time - about two years - and around eu10,000 - maybe more now.

    Another gentleman lives in Argentina -

    Quote - The MLF member AAOG is a professional gun maker in Argentina who makes handmade wheellock pistols. He has a website and a Facebook page.
    In one thread where he shows an .86 caliber rifle that he built, I posted the following contact info.:--->>>

    "I have also visited their facebook page.
    Just type this name into the search box on facebook: Armas Antiguas Osvaldo Gatto
    Everything can be translated with mouse clicks."

    This thread shows his wheel lock pistol with videos showing how it works:--->>>
    His Facebook page also lists his website.

    Please understand that Snr Gatto is a VERY busy man who will not be hurried simply by forcing money into his hands.
    Last edited by tacfoley; 07-05-2021 at 03:49 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Watching this got me thinking. How easy it would be to make a firing system to initiate a canon shot with the wheellock. I have seen the ones used for firing them with a flintlock but if wheellock had been utilised it would have moved the design on so many years earlier and as an aside to that I wonder how the course of firearm developement wouldhave been changed.
    Sorry to hijack the thread Tac, just the musing of a stir crazy old man .
    Thanks for the post this is one very skilled gentleman. nice to see fine workmanship.
    Good Deals with Mikewaring, ggggr, watchsapart, Majex45, Nhill, zebedee71,Eredel,Hawksthorn,Red Bob, Stanbridge,Barrow_Matt,Mr.Fixit-Norm, turbo33 .atb thankyou all Neil

  5. #5
    career707lover is offline His one man drag act at the dog and duck sells out every friday
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Do not......repeat DO NOT let Mick Shepherd see these. He will offer you a tenner each for them, then the next week they will be on....what could loosely be described as...... his website, for about 15 grand each. I go on there for a laugh sometimes. Asi Paratroopers for £450 (oh but it was owned by Doc Holiday)......errrm dont think the dates quite tie in there Michael me old son!!!

    Or the Crosman 1077 (not even the real one it was the plastic one) described a a desirable classic that will fly out the door.... a steal at £295. Mick they use them at Fairgrounds mate..... you robbing James Hunt! His site is good for a laugh when you see how gullible people must be but the absolute brass can of the guy lol

    Anyway but nice set of wheellocks you have there O.P.

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