Quote Originally Posted by FOZZD1 View Post
Lost on this one, trying to setup a scope for the wife and trying to explain the correct eye relief but not sure she
fully understands. Tried holding a phone to the scope and showing her that yes i can see a target and the crosshairs
but see all that black shadows all around the edge or all to one side thats bad.

She had her head at the very back of the stock and said she could see.

Asked her how many bars on the crosshair and it was not many. I knew there was 8 either side before it turned into a
larger rectangular box.

I have a feeling if I fit it she will say yes its fine even if fitted backwards.

Any tips? Thanks.

PS. Any shooters who wear glasses? How do you combat them moving when shouldering the gun?

Daughters glasses are quite rectangular and I can see them drop as she gets into the correct position
which puts the frame into her line of sight.

Thanks again.
You may have more than 1 issue here.

First, try a scope that is less fussy iro eye relief.

Secondly, is her eye condition such that she can remove her glasses and use the diopter to adjust to her eye focus. Glasses can make ut very tricky indeed.

Thirdly, is she able to get her head connected to the stock properly or is her head floating up down left and right with no cheek contact.
If she is having trouble, it tells me the rifle does not match her physique and she is huntin for a position.

I tell my pupils if they see a black donut, they are either too close or too far away.

Break it down. First is to get cheek weld sorted so she isnt bobbing around like a wagtail.

Then .... when her eye alignment is fixed, work on the eye relief.

Patience is key. If she can use the optics without glasses, then that may help a lot by removing a big variable.