Quote Originally Posted by DEAN C. View Post
Thats how the stock bolt should be, but I wonder if the threads are a bit grunged up and the bolt needs to pull in a bit. Its possible it has had the stock replaced I suppose as well.
It is a SILE one piece stock, a lot had them on . You could possibly cut out the stock at the back so it sits lower.

The accuracy on any airsporter is a bit hit and miss depending how good the tap to bore alignment is.
I love them to bits and started off in the 70's with my Dads Mk1 as a teenager shooting at anything that would feed my ferrets, but if I compete with a springer in HFT I use my Pro sport, which is the gun BSA Airsporter should have evolved into.

if I want to shoot something really accurate ie hunting or open HFT, I shoot a PCP.
I think on reflection it's probably the correct stock for the gun but there might be some kind of spacer missing from the large bolt which doesn't allow the gun body to tighten up and seat fully into the stock. I'll check that out when I strip it next week.

I've always had a penchant for shooting with iron sights. For me there's always been something pleasing about accurately hitting the target with iron sights that I never got from scope shooting which is why shooting the Airsporter appeals to me. It's a bit primitive when compared to today's air weapons but arguably much more fun.
Unfortunately a failing shooting eye precludes the continued use of accurate shooting with iron sights these days so scope it is if I want to continue. I suppose I could learn to shoot left handed but hmmmmm?

I've been shooting rimfire for many years, latterly with a scope and it was so accurate, it's quite frankly boring and predictable but with the Airsporter hopefully it will be a little more demanding, a bit like when shooting my Winchester .357 underlever model 94AE.