Sorry to hear this, Paul; been a long time. I'm fine with the current situation on restrictions and, to be fair, think the cautious approach is the correct one. Just hoping that with the case numbers rising and, now, hospitalisations and deaths on the increase, things don't get really out of control necessitating stronger measures and tightening. I know he's dead against any "reversals" but I fear even the current situation on pubs is far too relaxed and many, apparently, are wall-to-wall rammed, pretty much as the pre-pandemic days. Wonder what they're like when showing Euro 2020 games?. Now's the time for continuing caution and people behaving properly. Unfortunately, the previous lessening of some of the restrictions has introduced even more complacency and "lockdown fatigue". It might well get out of control and one hopes that the reliance on and wishes re true effectiveness of the vaccination programme do mean that this time the situation is far less severe. This pandemic is far from over and the virus will endeavour to turn our lives upside down at the merest sniff of an opportunity.

Fingers crossed. And continue to stay and be safe, peeps.