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Thread: Gem Air Rifle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Gem Air Rifle

    I have just got a Gem air rifle with the semi hexagonal barrel and with what seems to be the remains of Nickel plate finish, my problem is that it wont cock and just hope that someone on herewith knowledge of these can give me a little advice on what may be wrong with it and what to do to fix it?
    Many Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    It's tricky to give a diagnosis but i suppose there are some basic things to check. Have a good look over it first. Any sign of broken mainspring, bent levers etc. don't force anything in trying to cock it.

    Does the gun have any signs of missing or damaged parts, does it seem to move the piston back when you tried cocking it, did it move smoothly?

    With their age & varying quality of manufacture wear or breakages are a distinct possibility but they are pretty simple mechanisms so taking it appart might be the best option to see what the internals are like. You can see the condition of the spring, try operating it without the spring to see if cocking it moves the piston back enough to latch or if not maybe the cocking arms bent, wear to the cocking slots a possibility.....just have a look in to see if there's anything you can see that dosent look right. A few pictures might help highlight something that's not right. If your not comfortable taking it apart yourself then maybe someone could suggest a local gunsmith/repairer local to you.

  3. #3
    micky2 is offline The collector formerly known as micky
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    Jan 2016
    Have a look and see if the trigger is set to light as that could be the problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Thanks for the advice and I will have a look at these suggestions, before I start how do you remove the spring from the stock as any suggestions could save me hours of "Fun"

  5. #5
    micky2 is offline The collector formerly known as micky
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    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by BRET22 View Post
    Thanks for the advice and I will have a look at these suggestions, before I start how do you remove the spring from the stock as any suggestions could save me hours of "Fun"
    Hi if you take the keeper screw out from the by the trigger on the spring housing. you just then just get hold of the stock and unscrew it, just be a bit carefull when you get towards the end as there might be a bit of tension with the spring.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    The idots guide to stripping should be worth a look, its at the top of the page. Phil Russell wrote an index to it, Gem style airguns are listed.... no 186 ?

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