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Thread: BSA Supersport Carbine... MK2 ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Bamber Bridge

    BSA Supersport Carbine... MK2 ?

    Hi Chaps,

    Just a quick one... I have an old BSA Supersport Carbine which is one of my favourite little guns as it seems powerful and accurate. Anyway I am taking a pic and keeping a record of my little collection for my own reference and for insurance purposes. All good so far until I discovered that there is more than one version of the supersport?? My number is TD19731 and I was informed on here that it was indeed a Supersport carbine. Is there any way to differentiate between the versions?

    I have a big list of serial numbers which gives the model type, alas TD is not on it.

    Also is anyone going to the Addlington fait thing on the 16th? I will certainly be there, maybe see one or two of the names on here?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quigley Hollow, Nuneaton
    TD is on the list I found.

    All the best Mick

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Bamber Bridge
    I am a dumbass. I wrote the wrong number down its DS19731 !!

    I could trot out excuses... old age, too busy, too many notes, guns etc but I think I may well be just thick. Damn.

    Thank you for that list T20 it seems much more complete than the one I have (printed it out MANY years ago). Looks like I will make more notes and update. It still does not help though in finding out what MK the Supersport is....
    Last edited by Gamocfx; 22-09-2021 at 04:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Oslo, Norway
    Quote Originally Posted by Gamocfx View Post
    I am a dumbass. I wrote the wrong number down its DS19731 !!

    I could trot out excuses... old age, too busy, too many notes, guns etc but I think I may well be just thick. Damn.

    Thank you for that list T20 it seems much more complete than the one I have (printed it out MANY years ago). Looks like I will make more notes and update. It still does not help though in finding out what MK the Supersport is....
    As far as I've understood, the only real difference between the Mk1 and Mk2 Supersports are in the links that make up the front part of the articulated cocking lever.
    The earlier Supersports are supposed to have two links on the front of the cocking lever, like the Mk5 Meteor, with the central rubber disc that locks the link pin in place in the barrel.
    The later Supersports have three links, presumably because the Supersport puts more strain on the cocking lever and needs to be stronger.
    The later Spanish made Supersports have a solid front end made of only one piece, before they went all the way and replaced the arm with a Gamo unit.
    I've only ever seen the two later types and the Gamo, the Mk1 seems to be quite rare.
    Too many airguns!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Bamber Bridge
    Thanks Evert... very impressive knowledge there mate. Mine indeed has 3 bands connecting it to the articulated cocking arm. A MK 2 indeed. Thanks again.

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