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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2023 - Round 7 Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Exclamation Sussex Interclub HFT 2023 - Round 7 Results

    Hi Everyone

    Oh yes. Biggles is back, and this time not just in an admin role. Just over a week ago I asked the consultant who fitted my new hip if I could be ‘allowed’ to adopt the HFT Kneeling position. He reckoned I’d be OK in another 4 weeks. So, me being me, I tried it the very next day and it seemed OK – as long as I took it carefully. Seemed to work well when I entered Buxted’s HFT Open last week, and again today.

    Thanks to all (quite a decently sized crew) at Mile Oak who helped set and dismantle today’s course and a repeat of the verbal BIG THANKS to Wurze and his lovely lady Jax, who came along to feed the 5000 – at very short notice. The breakfast pies were only going in the oven at 10pm yesterday!!!

    Before today’s kick-off, we celebrated past (relatively recent) victories by issuing Simon Vant and Tom Hayes with the SIHFT Platinum badges won at Round 5 and the UKAHFT National Round winning trophy to Paul Charman for his superb win in the 0.22 class at Maldon the other week. Well done, guys.

    Before getting on to the scores, just one wee mention of today’s weather. OMG was it or was it not HOT HOT HOT. I do wonder if some of today’s scores were impacted by muzzle velocities creeping up a tad; definitely hot enough for that. Did you spot this with your own gun?

    Here are the full results

    Firstname Surname Club Class Score % Badge T(eam place)
    Graeme Cargan Oaks O 57 100.0% Gold T
    Kevin Hills Buxted O 57 100.0% G T
    Nick Orr Oaks O 57 100.0% G T
    Charles Peal Oaks O 57 100.0% G T
    Darryle Bundock Oaks O 56 98.2% G T
    Roger Dibbens Oaks O 56 98.2% G T
    Steve Britland Horsham O 55 96.5% G T
    Mike Burgess Oaks V 55 96.5% G
    Aaron Friend Oaks O 55 96.5% G
    Howard Kalisch Buxted O 55 96.5% G T
    Justin Roberts Ford O 55 96.5% G T
    Simon Vant Oaks O 55 96.5% G
    Stefan Avey Oaks O 54 94.7% G
    Matthew Franks Oaks O 53 93.0% G
    Martin Nicholls Buxted O 52 91.2% Silver T
    Ihab Alfred Bisley R 51 89.5% G
    Paul Blaxall Meon Valley V 51 89.5% G T
    Dax Browning Meon Valley O 51 89.5% S T
    Steven Avey Oaks O 50 87.7% S
    Zac Baker Bisley O 50 87.7% S
    Dave Wade HRPC O 50 87.7% S
    Kevin Wickson Buxted O 50 87.7% S T
    Carrol Lamport Buxted O 49 86.0% S T
    Darren Purnell Buxted O 49 86.0% S
    Daniel Smith Bisley O 49 86.0% S
    Darren Brind Oaks O 48 84.2% S
    Alicia Franks Oaks L 48 84.2% G
    David Henderson Meon Valley V 48 84.2% G T
    Gary Channing Buxted O 47 82.5% Bronze
    Tom Haynes Oaks R 47 82.5% S
    Gary Morrison Buxted Sticks 47 82.5% S
    Mark Rackley Oaks V 47 82.5% S
    Chris Scholes Oaks O 47 82.5% B
    Glen Turner Ford O 47 82.5% B T
    Steb Martinez Ford O 45 78.9% B T
    Phil Moody Horsham V 45 78.9% S T
    Jon Newton-May Buxted O 45 78.9% B
    David Wheeler Ford O 45 78.9% B T
    Paul Charman Buxted .22 44 77.2% S
    Trevor Hudson Meon Valley Sticks 44 77.2% S T
    Jason Perrine Oaks O 44 77.2% B
    Steve Saunter Buxted Sticks 44 77.2% S
    Maryam Shapouri Oaks L 44 77.2% S
    Richard Wheeler Ford O 44 77.2% B T
    Richard Wickenden Ford O 44 77.2% B
    Adrian Wright Meon Valley O 44 77.2% B T
    Paul Bradford Buxted V 43 75.4% S
    Nick Byrne Meon Valley .22 43 75.4% S
    Richard Chase ® Ford R 43 75.4% S
    Martin Cook Buxted R 43 75.4% S
    Charley Grey Ford R 43 75.4% S
    Ray Munnery Horsham O 42 73.7% T
    Yiorjos Nikiteas Buxted Sticks 42 73.7% B
    Barry Wade Buxted V 42 73.7% B
    David Wilshaw Meon Valley R 42 73.7% B
    Dave Barnes Meon Valley V 41 71.9% B
    Jo Bluer Meon Valley L 41 71.9% B
    Hugborg Hudson Meon Valley L 41 71.9% B
    Martin Dudley Horsham V 39 68.4% B T
    Brian Sait Bisley .22 37 64.9% B
    Chris Allen Buxted O 36 63.2%
    Thaddeus Allen Buxted P 33 57.9% B
    Chris Cullen Meon Valley R 31 54.4%
    Redders Bluer Meon Valley .22 DNF 0
    Vince Guy Oaks O DNF 0
    Connor Johnson Oaks O DNF 0

    As well as the badges noted above, there were 3 new SIHFT Platinums awarded (for achieving 5 Golds) today. These went to Howard Kalish, Nik Orr and yours truly. Well done us

    All but one team (Horsham) fielded at least a full team of 5 bodies. For Horsham, to top up their 4 person team one card was drawn at random, as per the SIHFT rules, leading to the following results.

    Club Round 7 scores Round 7 points Total scores Total points
    Oaks 283 12 1952 83
    Buxted 263 11 1878 78
    Meon Valley 238 10 1675 69
    Horsham 224 8 1413 63
    Ford 236 9 1371 59

    Today’s lucky draw winners were:

    £66 Bonus Bunny – Maryam Shapouri

    Air Arms Goody Bag – Glenn Turner

    Can you spot any errors in this post? Have I spelt your name correctly? Do I have you down for the correct club/class? – please message me directly.

    As a reminder, SIHFT Round 8 is in 3 weeks, on Sunday 24th September, when we return to Buxted. Will it be muddy?? Greater risk of falling down cracks in the ground if this weather continues.

    What else is happening between now and then ……

    Well, there’s the wee matter of the 2-day WHFTA Championships at Borders Wood (near Nottingham) over the weekend of the 16th and 17th September.

    I’ve also a diary note of an Open HFT at Ford on the 10th Sept, but not sure if that’s going ahead. Perhaps some of our friends from Ford/SHOTS can confirm.

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)
    And on the off-chance that its owner is solely an Airgun BBS reader (rather than FB), please note that a set of Primos (Mk2 I'm told) sticks were found at the club today, while we were packing away. They are safe and currently held at the club site.

    Please get in touch if you are the owner.

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

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