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Thread: Socials

  1. #1
    harry mac's Avatar
    harry mac is offline You can't say muntjack without saying mmmmm
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    Traffic seems a bit slow on here lately.
    Has the forum lost favour to the various airgun groups on platforms like Facebook?
    The South of England has 2 good things, the M1 and the A1. Both will take you to Yorkshire.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Oslo, Norway
    Not for me, I've found the FB groups to be disappointing.
    Too many airguns!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bamber Bridge
    I'm not on facebook so can't say but it does seem rather quiet in here... years ago I had a personal disaster and the community on here kept me going. I was on daily and every day there was something new to read about.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Loughton, Essex.

    Getting old maybe but

    Sometimes less is more!
    I find too many chats and topics a struggle to wade through.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    im not on face book my self,but still find this forum good

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    This section is the place to be for us collector and springer fanatics. The whole Forum is quality and advice from our experts is second to none. The thankless task of our brave and fearless mods ensures high standards keeping this great forum sane and the best in the cosmos. I do not always sign in, but, I visit this Forum daily. Thanks to our sponsors too.

    Kind regards to all...

  7. #7
    eyebull's Avatar
    eyebull is offline Even a stopped clock is right twice a day
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    It is quiet compared to a few years ago.
    Good deals with these members

  8. #8
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
    Hsing-ee is offline may also be employed in conjunction with a drawn reciprocation dingle arm, to reduce sinusoidal repleneration
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    Dec 2001
    Have a lot of people aged out of the system?

  9. #9
    ggggr's Avatar
    ggggr is offline part time super hero and seeker of justice
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hsing-ee View Post
    Have a lot of people aged out of the system?
    By that I am guessing you mean they have either "grown up" or "Shuffled off their mortal coil"?

    A bit of maths coming up here in a minute.
    I have been here 15 years now. The forum used to go quite during good weather and school holidays. Usually late May until early September and also over Christmas and New Year. Now it can go very quiet a lot of the time. I guess Kempton and Melbourne account for there not being as many sales in this section the last few years?
    Then throw in a few people who have been banned, No longer post up as they are "Guests" or even just joined and left fairly quickly.

    THEN the maths bit. Take into account the average life expectancy (I'm going to call it 75 for ease) then in the 15 years I have been here, you would expect a fifth of the people to die. So out of the 47000 members, how many are still alive?

    I know of 3 people who have died. And I suspect some who have not posted on here for years are also dead.
    When you add in people who have joined, and left without deleting their account etc, I would be surprised if the number active members is half of the 47000 claimed membership.
    Cooler than Mace Windu with a FRO, walking into Members Only and saying "Bitches, be cool"

  10. #10
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    Jul 2009
    As above, and it is pretty much the same with regards to other forms of collecting when it comes to the older items, a lot of "younger" end do not relate to things of our yesteryear as some do.

    If you watch the car markets, the ones worth having that appear to appreciate like crazy at present are the the fast fords and the european GT's etc. fewer and fewer of us older end around that still appreciate history going back to the turn of the last century, the middle aged are revisiting their youth.

    The oldest gun in my collection is a 1924 Belgian 410 shotty with others from 50's and 60's , my "modern" ones are from the 80's.

    At the end of the day tastes inevitably change with each generation, which is good as it also serves to save the next generation of collectables.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    The number of people on here seems to fluctuate and the proliferation of new forums and vintage airgun groups is bound to dilute the amount of time available. It doesn't bother me in the least. There's a core group of collectables members who can always be relied on to make interesting posts and the overall number hasn't changed massively over the years, even if the exact composition of the group is constantly changing. It's like any social group it seems to me. Sometimes friends are busy and take time away, sometimes they are very present and active. Either is fine with me.

    I recently started posting more on another forum, but realised there were more unfriendly strangers there than I had thought, including one complete Bellend (). So I left and haven't been back since, which leaves me more time to spend elsewhere. Win win.
    Vintage Airguns Gallery
    ..Above link posted with permission from Gareth W-B
    In British slang an anorak is a person who has a very strong interest in niche subjects.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    There are quite a number of posts appearing in the General section, I have noticed, that would be better suited to this section.


  13. #13
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
    Hsing-ee is offline may also be employed in conjunction with a drawn reciprocation dingle arm, to reduce sinusoidal repleneration
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garvin View Post

    I recently started posting more on another forum, but realised there were more unfriendly strangers there than I had thought, including one complete Bellend (). So I left and haven't been back since, which leaves me more time to spend elsewhere. Win win.
    The BBS is the Oxford/Princeton of airgun forums (of course there is also the exclusive VAF, a kind of St Andrews). While there can be engaging things to be found amongst the grunts, squarks and ejaculations of the grubby hombres frequenting the little technical institutes and sheds around the internet, the BBS alone has the superior knowledge, wit, gravitas and etiquette required by a true enthusiast.
    Last edited by Hsing-ee; 20-01-2024 at 10:08 PM.

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