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Thread: Pietta brass frame Navy Colt .36

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Liskeard, Cornwall

    Pietta brass frame Navy Colt .36

    Have been offered one in nice condition and cheap. Howeever have heard that Piettas are nut as good as Uberti.

    Also wondering about the brass frame.. Ubertis have brass backstrap but frame itself is steel. Pietta has a full brass frame.

    I'm new to the black stuff so any guidance welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by markH View Post
    Have been offered one in nice condition and cheap. Howeever have heard that Piettas are nut as good as Uberti.

    Also wondering about the brass frame.. Ubertis have brass backstrap but frame itself is steel. Pietta has a full brass frame.

    I'm new to the black stuff so any guidance welcome.
    Remember the originals also largely had whole brass frames. These days there’s not a huge amount of difference between the 2 makes, and if it looks good it should be fine. Do the usual check for indexing and lock-up etc. Spares (screw sets etc) are generally available for both. May be worth checking the 2 letter date code (in the square border) to give you an idea of age.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Liskeard, Cornwall
    Having been on the google I see that it's not a Navy colt but an 1862 Spillers Burr copy. So cylinder is enclosed in a full frame like the Remington.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Yep, nice gun. If you’re new to BP pistols make sure you follow guidance locally of others who can show you in person. Am guessing you’re a member of a BP club. Start with loadings from the Pietta manual (should be online if you don’t have a hard copy), or see what the previous owner had down as a good load. BP would be better than Pyrodex in the long term (cost, authenticity) and like most do, lube over your balls once loaded

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Liskeard, Cornwall
    Found the Pietta Manual, excellent thanks for suggestion.

    The club is not specifically BP but several shooters do have revolvers so they'll put me right. It was rather to find out about the quality because I don't want to make another "Mistake". I bought a genuine Colt Navy 2nd gen which was unfired. When I found out it was one of the very first (Made 1971 and assebled at Hartford), I just couldn't bring myself to shoot it..... It's sitting there in it's box 53 years old and still unfired.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    leeds, west yorkshire
    Quote Originally Posted by markH View Post
    Have been offered one in nice condition and cheap. Howeever have heard that Piettas are nut as good as Uberti.

    Also wondering about the brass frame.. Ubertis have brass backstrap but frame itself is steel. Pietta has a full brass frame.

    I'm new to the black stuff so any guidance welcome.
    I shoot my navy arms gu with both 12 gns and 15gns of Swiss with no issues and mines all brass framed
    This week I've upped it to 17 gas to see if any difference ....... I use .380 balls mine is a griswold and gunnison version made 1960
    Last edited by loiner1965; 18-08-2024 at 05:44 AM.

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