Quote Originally Posted by ptdunk View Post
Very interesting project, what rifle or pistol are you going to use? I suppose a full power sub 12ftlbs rifle would give you the most bang for your buck.

Not sure what you could use for clay's. Off the top of my head I'd suggest using upside down silicone bowl lids as moulds and pour in some thin layers of plaster or jesmonite.


The various sizes would give you options for what can be hit. No idea what to use as a launcher, other than a jury rigged catapult of wood and bungees. Maybe get someone to roll them along the floor, from behind the firing line of course, or hang them from a sloping line so they can slide down from one side to the other.

This is what you really want:


Interesting ideas Matt. The related launcher concept shown below (full operational details available courtesy of John Atkins' excellent articles in Airgunner) was actually introduced by Lane Bros. as long ago as 1895, for their airgun spread-shot 'cartridges'. You did need a lackey though to pull the string. A foot operated version would be a much better idea.

I also fancy trying empty coke cans as targets, as they are very light to launch, and you should be able to detect a hit from the clatter made.

I am going to try the pellets out with my 1906 BSA rifle, both because it is in great condition and operating at near optimal power, and because it seems appropriate for the era when these shot pellets were first used. Fortunately the tap recess in the rifle is deep enough to take the pellets.