Quote Originally Posted by Cocksure View Post
So you're concerned they might show a brutal massacre by a peice of shite murderer in a bad light...

Let's all hope they show the positive side of killing your neighbours and passers by....dear christ, is it me? Think about what you are saying....

Er, just who is this aimed at?

I think that the OP was concerned that allowing access to a film crew intent on making a movie about R***, might backfire on us, the current legal firearms holders, by showing us in a negative light.

There has already been a programme made that covered the events of that appalling day in a sympathetic manner.

I'm not certain that any kind of a remake would be justified in being made, except to exploit one aspect or another of legal gun ownership in this country. Given the what we have so far learned about aims of the production team, I would also err on the side of caution, and advise them to go away.


NOTE to OP - in this country, we don't HAVE assault rifles.