Well just thought someone ought to start reply!


Go Team Buxted!

On a personal note, a couple of years ago things at home went pear shaped and my divorce went thru last August. I want to say something crass about how this has given me plenty of time to practice my shooting. It has of course - but that's not really the point. I'm not the only one in that boat and we all have our experiences. The point is I want to thank all my new HFT friends because you and this fabulous sport are what have helped keep me sane, and given me something to concentrate on. It's gone a long way to help save my mental health I can tell you.
So, thanks for putting up with me guys!

Big thanks to all the clubs that put on all series and everyone who helps setting up and taking down. It takes a lot of effort and time and we are all grateful.

See you (or not) in the dark at Oaks or Buxted.

