Maybe if the NSRA events were less expensive to enter they would be better supported?
Sorry folks but it’s time to get real. Take a look a the entry fees for other sports. A “minor” half marathon will cost upwards of £30, the popular events start at around £75. Triathlons are in the range £100-300. If you fancy a bit of competitive open water swimming then be prepared to part with £40 upwards for the privilege of getting cold for an hour or two! All the above fees relate to local events, not a national championship held in a purpose built facility.

That’s before we take into account the expenses for the range officers, equipment control officers, judges and that’s just for staters. They all give their time for free but you have to be prepared to reimburse them their expenses; and they are not generous. On top of that, all these people have already invested a great deal of time gaining the relevant qualifications; it’s not just the NSRA RCO; and probably spent a considerable amount in doing so.

So, looked at that way, I think £45 for a National Championship is very cheap, in fact too cheap. As for not paying an additional fee as a non member, why should I subsidise you?
