Most of the population are right handed, so we can assume that right handed pistol shooters hold the pistol with there right hand, what hand are you going to use to open the bolt and load the pistol?

Or are you one of those who after a shot move the pistol from your right hand to your left, then use your right hand to load? .... If you are then you need to practice loading with your left hand, in a comp every time you change your grip you change the impact point of your pellet.
I have shot in county comps (some years ago now) and I know that just changing how tightly I hold on to the pistol changes the impact point.

If your a south paw then you have to pay a premium for the left handed version.
i know some shooters who are left handed but shoot right handed, that's cos 98% of the second hand guns out there are right handed, this could be because left handed shooters are nowhere as common as right handed shooters, if they do buy a left handed gun they tend to keep it forever as they find they have a very hard time selling it due to there been a very limited market for left hand guns, or it could be down to the fact they might be to tight to buy a left handed gun!

Dont bother shouting at me, I know I have pissed some of you off with my observations (then again you wouldn't be on the bbs if you didn't want to be pissed off!)