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Thread: Nice Wesley Richards auctioned yesterday in US

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Some more pictures of the WR Highest Possible which to my mind was a retrograde step from the Non-Concentric being smoothbore with fixed sights.


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Cornelius View Post
    I understand the historical appeal but I have never liked the look of these. They look like something I might knock up on the shed with a hacksaw and a few files.

    Whereas the concentric WR I would sell a kidney for.
    Me too...
    As a bit of a pistol collector I should really have one of these but I just can't bring myself to like them, and they are not cheap.

    Protek have a nice one and I love their description:

    '' This is a highly regarded collectable item, not sure why as it’s as ugly as sin! Certain aspects of it are not actually very nice! .....Have not got one in our own collection, particularly want one which is why we are selling this one…''

    In between that they do go into why it is so important.... got to admire their honesty though,


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Bath, innit?
    Quote Originally Posted by ptdunk View Post
    Me too...
    As a bit of a pistol collector I should really have one of these but I just can't bring myself to like them, and they are not cheap.

    Protek have a nice one and I love their description:

    '' This is a highly regarded collectable item, not sure why as it’s as ugly as sin! Certain aspects of it are not actually very nice! .....Have not got one in our own collection, particularly want one which is why we are selling this one…''

    In between that they do go into why it is so important.... got to admire their honesty though,

    I love proteks descriptions. They call a spade a spade.
    Morally flawed

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Norwich 'A Fine City' (unless you're a driver)
    It may be my impression, or perhaps they have just made their way out of the woodwork but are WRHPs more common than they used to be? I bought mone from a guy whose old dad was a dustman, in the days they used to sell of interesting items. Someone dumped a HP at the tip which he then tried to sell back to Westley Richards, they offered him half a crown. I bought it off his son for a tad more than that.

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