I really like these pistols and prefer them to HW45s, one of my favourite pistols in fact, along with Tempests and Hy-Scores. I own two 240 Magnums and I've never had trouble with the breech seal popping out. I've messed around a little with one of them, I fitted a shortened Record Jumbo spring lubricated with some Moly gun grease and GN paste into mine, in an effort to see if reducing the power made it sweeter and easier to shoot, and was really pleased with the result. It's much easier to cock, sweeter and easier to shoot accurately, I'm really happy with it. I was expecting the power to drop to around 2.5 ft/lbs or maybe even less, but on the chrono it turned out to be shooting at over 3.5 ft/lbs. I was surprised, it felt like less. Like I say though, much sweeter and easier to shoot, and cock, much better for short and medium range plinking which is what I tend to use my pistols for.